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The thunder of the engines drew them, and there were all manner of interesting fragments to be picked up round and about. That they were not permitted within the radius of the works was also a sound reason for being there, and many boys could tell of great adventures and hairbreadth escapes from Mr. Best, Mr. Benny Cogle and, above all, Mr. Baggs. For Mr.

"Witnesses!" she screamed, rising quickly to her feet and walking up and down the room. "Do clergymen require witnesses to their words? He made the promise in the bishop's name, and if it is to be broken, I'll know the reason why. Did he not positively say that the bishop had sent him to offer you the place?" "He did, my dear. But that is now nothing to the purpose."

Even the Jesuits themselves felt it to be a failure. “Father Daniel,” it was said, “professed to have reason and truth on his side; but his adversary had in his favour what goes much farther with men,—the arms of ridicule and pleasantry.” As late as 1851 an edition of the ‘Letters’ appeared by the Abbé Maynard, accompanied by a professed refutation of their misstatements.

For that reason alone, our very lack of cohesion renders the aspirations of Japan comparatively easy of fulfilment unless we wake up and attend to business." "How do you know all this, Mr. Farrel?" Parker demanded incredulously.

You thought to find me gone, and here I am sitting before you. After waiting for some time for Moran to speak, he said: 'You haven't answered me. 'What should I be answering? 'Do you still think you were sent for a purpose? 'Well, I do. 'You do? The priests stood looking at each other for a while. 'Can't you give a reason? 'No; I can give no reason. It's a feeling.

"Do you know, Clarence, that they are all dying with impatience to see un gage d'amitie that I have brought for you; and the reason that they are so curious is simply because I had the address to say, in a solemn voice, 'I cannot satisfy your curiosity till Clarence Hervey arrives. Now follow me, my friends; and if you be disappointed, lay the blame, not on me, but on your own imaginations."

The cloths, as far as I am a judge, seemed to me even to exceed those of England; but the carpets are much inferior. From some unaccountable reason, however, the cloths were much dearer than English broad cloth of the same quality. Whence does this happen, in a country where provisions are so much cheaper? Perhaps from that neglect of the sub-division of labour which I have above noticed.

"Dressed like you, you know, only with a hat," I explained, trembling; "and and" I was very anxious to put this delicately "and with the same reason for wanting to borrow a file. Didn't you hear the cannon last night?" "Then there was firing!" he said to himself.

Suaby has given him a plot to cultivate, and he whispered in my ear, 'The reason I went to a fancy price was, I can kill two birds with one stone with you. You'll make a very good statee stuck up among my flowers; and you can hallo, and keep those plaguy sparrows off." "Oh, what creatures for my darling to live among!" cried Lady Bassett piteously. Mr.

The reason soon transpired: both his legs had been broken by some mad jump which he must have essayed in his agony to escape. I quieted the man's fears as best I could, and, tearing a sheet from a note-book, wrote a description of him, so that a field hospital would dress him.