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"He's probably come to persuade you to give the island back to him, re-sell it." "That deal," said Donovan, "is closed. I'll be obliged to you, Gorman, if you'll make that plain to him." "I expect the Emperor has sent him." "I'd expect some pretty lively bidding," said Donovan, "with the Emperor and a king in the ring, if the island was up for auction. But it's not.

But if you do not make me happy in the course of a week I shall re-sell the whole." "Come to us to-morrow." "I will do so, but I trust have some pledge of your affection this morning." "This morning? It's impossible." "Excuse me; I will go upstairs with you, and you can shew me more than one kindness while you are undressing."

Weldon bent her head for a moment, for she knew that anything was possible in that frightful country. "You have heard?" continued Negoro. "Who is this man to whom you will pretend to sell me?" replied Mrs. Weldon. "To sell you or to re-sell you. At least, I suppose so!" added the Portuguese, sneering. "The name of this man?" asked Mrs. Weldon. "This man he is James W. Weldon, your husband."

He knew that in a few evenings a certain Bill to absolutely dispossess the native holders of a vast area of land in the North Island would be read, and that its mover, who was a Government member, was merely the agent of a huge land-buying concern, which intended to re-sell the stolen property to the working people on magnanimous terms for village settlements; and although sorely afraid at heart that he would have to bear the brunt of the battle in opposing the Bill, the young doctor was hopeful that the Labour members would eventually come to his support when he exposed the secret motives that really had brought it into existence.

What knowledge of the world, what experience of life one has when all life is before one!" "Yes," admitted Cornish, guardedly. "But if I preached a great deal, I at all events did you no harm," said Mrs. Vansittart, with a laugh. "No." "And as to experience, well, one buys that later." "Yes; and the wise re-sell at a profit," laughed Cornish. "It is not a commodity that any one cares to keep.

The Bedouins, who bring it here, usually demand two or three dollars per pound for it, when quite pure; and the Szafra Arabs re-sell it to the hadjys of the great caravan, at between eight and twelve dollars per pound in an adulterated state. It is bought up principally by Persians.

By this means, instead of merely recovering the money owing to him by the usual process of law, he was enabled, by threatening to foreclose the mortgages, to compel them to sell their farms nearly on his own terms, whenever an opportunity occurred to re-sell them advantageously to new comers.

Another will tell you how she came there, and why she went, and how long she staid, and what she did, and what she saw; and the things themselves will appear but as incidents to the idea of self. Some ladies I have known, who, not content with the present display of their powers, are determined to re-sell their wares at second-hand.

I will buy the furniture at that price; and I will promise to re-sell it to you as soon as you can pay me. Like that, you can be tranquil. But I have very little money. I must have a guarantee. The furniture must be mine till you pay me." "You are an angel of charity!" cried Madame Foucault, embracing Sophia's skirts. "I will do whatever you wish. Ah! You Englishwomen are astonishing."

Sometimes they confiscate a house, and then re-sell it to the proprietor. Sometimes they cart off the furniture. Pianos they are very fond of. When they see one, they first sit down and play a few sentimental ditties, then they go away, requisition a cart, and minstrel and instrument disappear together. They are a singular mixture of bravery and meanness.