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They, like Malcolm Monroe, had married, and had built themselves homes. They had invested and re-invested their money; they had given their children advantages, according to their lights. Now, in their early fifties, they were a power in the town, and they felt for it a genuine affection and pride, a loyalty that was unquestioning and sincere.

Ocock had invested and re-invested on his behalf now it was twenty "Koh-i-noors," now thirty "Consolidated Beehives" and Mahony was continually being agreeably surprised by the margins it threw off in its metamorphoses. That came of his having placed the matter in such competent hands.

Perhaps the influence of Hebraism on Hellenism may be illustrated by the Alexandrian Philo's pathetic endeavour not only to trace the wisdom of the Greeks to Moses, but to show that this derived lore is much mightier for good when re-invested with the spiritual power and ardent devotion of the Jewish faith. This is the teaching of Moses, not mine.

And he would come down radiant from a weekly balance-sheet, clap me on the shoulder, declare himself a winner by Gargantuan figures, and prove destitute of a quarter for a drink. "What on earth have you done with it?" I would ask. "Into the mill again; all re-invested!" he would cry, with infinite delight. "Investment" was ever his word. He could not bear what he called gambling.

He informed John Scott of the transaction, telling him at the same time that he had the capital of thirty thousand pounds in his possession, ready to be re-invested, and the premium of three hundred pounds, which last was at the orders of Mr. Scott. Mr. Scott was not contented with the three hundred pounds premium.

The profits are for the most part re-invested in joint-stock paper-mills, cotton-mills, and collieries, in the neighbourhood of Darwen. One of the most praiseworthy features of the society is the provision made for the free education of the members and their families. Two and a half per cent. of the profits are appropriated for the purpose.

The property clearly shown as having passed into their possession, was the old mansion and valuable grounds, which had been sold, under an order of the court, at a heavy sacrifice bringing only thirty-five thousand dollars, instead of sixty thousand, its real value and the proceeds re-invested.

Property titles under this system are rendered immortal. A thousand dollars, invested in 1880 in 5 per cent. 40 year bonds, will pay to the owner $2,000 in interest by 1920, at which time the owner gets his original thousand back again to be re-invested so long as he and his descendants care to do so.

And he would come down radiant from a weekly balance-sheet, clap me on the shoulder, declare himself a winner by Gargantuan figures, and prove destitute of a quarter for a drink. "What on earth have you done with it?" I would ask. "Into the mill again; all re-invested!" he would cry, with infinite delight. Investment was ever his word. He could not bear what he called gambling.

"Now you shall show me all about it," she said. The General opened the book. It contained the results, in the briefest space, of his profits from the Benedict inventions. It showed just how and where all those profits had been invested and re-invested. Her admiration of the General's business habits and methods was unbounded.