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Her name was Ryan, a little, scared, foolish woman; an' she died whin a boy was bor-rn. Ahearn give her a solemn rayqueem high mass an' a monument at Calv'ry that ye can see fr'm th' fun'ral thrain. An' he come fr'm th' fun'ral with th' first smile on his face that anny man iver see there, an' th' baby in his ar-rms. "I'll not say Ahearn was a changed man.

'Ye ought to have betther manners thin to be lavin' ye'er coffin at this hour iv th' night, an' breakin' in on dacint people, says Flaherty. 'What good does it do to have rayqueem masses f'r th' raypose iv th' like iv you, he says, 'that doesn't know his place? he says. "I'm masther iv this house, says th' ghost. 'Not on ye'er life, says Flaherty.

"They was no insurance A good avnin' to ye, Mrs. Doyle. Ye're goin' over, thin? I was there las' night, an' a finer wake I niver see. They do nawthin' be halves. How was himsilf? As natural as life? Yes, ma'am, rayqueem high mass, be carredges to Calv'ry. "On th' twinty-fifth iv Siptimber a change come.

'I'll buy rayqueem masses f'r th' raypose iv ye'er sowl, if ye don't duck out iv this in a minyit, Whin I seen him last, he was back dhrivin' a dhray an' atin' his dinner out iv a tin can." The people of Bridgeport are not solicitous of modern improvements, and Mr. Dooley views with distaste the new and garish.

F'r mesilf, if I was wanst pushed off, an' they'd waked me kindly, an' had a solemn rayqueem high mass f'r me, an' a funeral with Roddey's Hi-beryan band, an' th' A-ho-aitches, I have too much pride to come back f'r an encore. I wud so, Jawn. Whin a man's dead, he ought to make th' best iv a bad job, an' not be thrapsin' around, lookin' f'r throuble among his own kind.