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Hyde turned an indignant back on him, and King studied the back as if he found it interesting. On the whole he looked sympathetic, so it was as well that Hyde did not look around. Balked ambition as a rule loathes sympathy. After many prickly-hot, interminable, jolting hours the train drew up at Rawal-Pindi station.

But the main attack will be made from the Pamirs in the direction of Rawal-Pindi and Lahore." "Rawal-Pindi?" exclaimed the Colonel. "If the Russians come down the Indus, they will first of all arrive at Attock, and this strong fortress will check their advance long enough." "Let us hope so, but we must not absolutely reckon upon it.

Well, then, after that I followed him to India; almost saw him in Bombay; traced him all around to Baroda, Rawal-Pindi, Lucknow, Lahore, Cawnpore, Allahabad, Calcutta, Madras oh, everywhere; week after week, month after month, through the dust and swelter always approximately on his track, sometimes close upon him, yet never catching him.

There must have been a spy watching at Peshawur, who wired to Rawal-Pindi for this man to jump the train and go on with the job. She must have had him planted at Rawal-Pindi in case of accidents. She seems thorough! Why should she give the man a knife with her own portrait on it? Is she queen of a secret society? Well we shall see!" He sat down on his berth again and sighed, not discontentedly.

King's ears are part of the equipment for his exacting business, but he could not hear the door click shut again. For about five minutes, while the train swayed head-long into Indian darkness, the man stood listening and watching King's face. He stood so near that King recognized him for the one who had accosted him on Rawal-Pindi platform.

What in all the world can have possessed the General not to meet the enemy in Rawal-Pindi? That town is fortified and surrounded by strong forts; it is one of the greatest depots in India. Why must the General retire so far back, so far as Mooltan?" "The General is expecting a decisive battle, and intends for the purpose to co-operate with the army of General Hunter.

When I asked her, how could we meet him if he had not told us the time? she made a grievance of it, and said that was so like him. So it is, of course." Struan remained speechless, and had turned away his face. Miss Percival continued her reflections aloud. "How long has he been away? More than a year. He wrote once from Singapore then from Rawal-pindi and that was all, until I got this telegram.