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If my mother cut up a chicken and found something wrong in it, some hurt or mark that should not be, she sent the housemaid with it to the rav, and I ran along, and saw the rav look in his big books; and whatever he decided was right. If he called the chicken "trefah" I must not eat of it; no, not if I had to starve.

When it became evident that the son-in-law was not going to develop into a rav, my grandfather notified him that he would have to assume the support of his own family without delay. My father therefore entered on a series of experiments with paying occupations, for none of which he was qualified, and in none of which he succeeded permanently.

Once more he faced the Rav, who had sunk again into the chair. "Will it bring back your son to you if Tzwee Kovalenko dies?" he asked. The old man plucked at his beard. "He was my son, my only son," he said; "my Kaddish. A good son he was." Mrs. Levin, still at her dishwashing, raised her head and snorted impatiently. "Yow a good son!" she commented in English, "A dirty, lowlife bum he was.

He bowed to the Rav and with a final "Sholom alaicham!" passed downstairs to the street. As he waited at the corner for a west-bound car he thought he discerned a familiar figure in the shadow of the house he had just quitted. He walked slowly up the block and Harkavy stole out of the basement area and slunk hurriedly past him. "Harkavy!"

'To the light of his generation, the great Gaon, whose excellency reaches to the ends of the earth, from whose lips all the people of the Lord seek knowledge, the never-failing well, the mighty eagle soars to heaven on the wings of understanding, to Rav Shemuel, may whose light never be dimmed, and in whose day may the Redeemer come unto Zion. There, take it, honor me by taking it.

Mind you, Mr. Perlmutter, I wouldn't say nothing if it would be really the chief of police which would open the package, but always it is some poor Schnorrer which the chief of police calls in from the street. This time it was a feller by the name Levin, a decent, respectable, young feller his father was a Rav. The old man is coming over here this week, I understand, Mr.

A notorious example was the beautiful daughter of Lozhe the Rav, who was not restrained by her father's conspicuous relation to Judaism from exhibiting her lovely black curls like a maiden; and it was a further sign of the times that the rav did not disown his daughter.

And the rav knew about everything: about going on a journey, about business, about marrying, about purifying vessels for Passover. Another great teacher was the dayyan, who heard people's quarrels and settled them according to the Law, so that they should not have to go to the Gentile courts. The Gentiles were false, judges and witnesses and all.

"The morning of the wedding, both bride and bridegroom fast, and each goes with his or her parents to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, to pray for a blessing on their married life, and then they go to be blessed by the Rav. "When the bride returns home, she is dressed in her bridal dress.

If he gave up his ownership, whether according to Rav or according to Shemuel, it is a pit, and if he retained his ownership, if according to Shemuel, who holds that all are derived from 'his pit, then it is 'a pit, and if according to Rav, who holds that all are derived from 'his ox, then it is 'an ox, therefore the derivatives of 'an ox' are the same as 'an ox' itself."