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"It won't last much longer now; the rats have begun to sniff about me already." The cold, damp air had taken his voice away. He was altogether in a pitiful condition, but the sight of Pelle put life into him in so far as he was able to stand on his feet.

As the cart man turned to go out after he had brought in the boxes, there was a rustling, scampering sound that seemed to come from inside the walls of the house. "Oh, what's that?" cried the girls. "It's only the rats," said the cart man. And he went away and shut the door, and the sudden draught of it blew out the candle.

We, and the rats and mice, had nice feasts on them every winter. "Papa bought Julian a pop-gun to console him when we were going away to visit the Brights, for he had not been invited. He was very good about it indeed, and fired off his pop-gun in honor of mamma's going away. "Papa gave Julian a new boat a little while ago, a yacht, and mamma has painted it beautifully in oils.

"Why, that must be a young rat," I said. "That little one's a mouse." "No; this is a field mouse. Look at his long tail and long ears. The rats have got shorter, thicker tails, and look thicker altogether." "Now then, are you young gents a-coming down?" shouted Jem. "Yes. All right. Directly.

Then they eat him up, for they are jackals as well as dogs, and they are no more epicures than ostriches. They never show interest in anything. They are blasé. I saw some mother dogs asleep, with tiny puppies swarming over them like little fat rats, but the mothers paid no attention to them. Children seem to bore them quite as successfully as if they were women of fashion.

The dull warmth below was exquisite; the sly creatures which crept from their, dens and let the lamplight shine on their weird eyes even the gamesome rats had something merrily diabolic about them.

Nothing will induce me to sleep by myself again in a strange hotel; so I warn you. You'll be saddled with your pixie girl for the rest of the tour. She's a scared baby at nights, and she doesn't mind confessing it. Rats ugh! The very name of them makes me creep." A Family Crest After the joys of Stratford-on-Avon came the delights of the rest of the fascinating Shakespeare villages.

Now, this all means heavy loss, and that is why I say that any business man so suffering ought to engage the services of a professional Rat-catcher once a year in order to keep the Rats down, and catch as many as possible before they begin breeding. Another Rat habit may be noticed where the Rodents are accustomed to have their holes and runs among flags and stones.

He would think his foot hurt if he had the toothache." "What a filthy, yellow, toothless, wicked old devil it is!" Jack went on. "Some day when he comes here with that basket of rats I'm going to cut his pigtail off close behind his ears." "I think he's the foulest old geezer I've ever met," Frank went on.

Those from the canoes outside leaped into the sea, and, diving, swam to the ship with bunches of cocoa-nuts in their mouths, climbing up the sides like so many rats, in such swarms that the Dutch had to keep them off with their cutlasses. Sufficient cocoa-nuts were obtained that day to give each man of the crew a dozen. The natives seemed astonished at the strength of the Unity.