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She must have been sold and resold four or five times for every year of her long and useful life. The network of brands was absolutely indecipherable. "Shave her!" yelled some genius. That idea caught hold. The entire gathering took an interest in the operation, which half a dozen men performed. They shaved that poor old mare from nose to the tip of her ratlike tail.

And as of all ratlike animals in the world Mrs. Saunders had the ignorance to deem a lawyer was the most emphatically devouring, she congratulated herself with her whole heart on the white lies she had told in favour of the intended victims.

Kirk mopped his face with the purser's handkerchief and wondered if this were really December. Clumsy two-wheeled carts came bumping past, some with prehensile- footed negroes perched upon them, others driven by turban-crowned Hindoos. A fleet of dilapidated surreys and coaches, each equipped with a musical chime and drawn by a flea-bitten, ratlike horse, thronged the square.

She could scarcely have begged for her life with more earnestness. "I am very fond of you," Mrs. Toomey evaded. She did not look at her. Kate regarded her steadily. Laying down the hand she had taken she asked quietly: "Will you tell me something truthfully, Mrs. Toomey?" Mrs. Toomey's mind, ratlike, scuttled hither and thither, wondering what was coming. "If I can," uneasily.

Gilbert, their natural amplitude swollen by their dust-coats, goggles, and veils, mounted with stately complacency to their respective seats, and Milly tucked herself into a corner. Then the ratlike French chauffeur attempted to crank the engine, and perspiring, red in the face, spluttering with oaths, made many desperate efforts to arouse his monster.