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Grand grass there, an' most o' the road down. I come with some fats as fur as Wilcannia; an' a drover took charge o' them there; an' my orders was to come on to Mondunbarra. I been here goin' on for three weeks, rasslin' with that reservoy, an' cursin' M'Gregor an' Smythe for bein' man-eaters, an' myself for bein' a born fool." "Then why don't you leave?" asked Thompson.

They got to comin' too fast an' I heard 'em goin' down through the roof o' the bay behind me an' rasslin' with the logs. That put meat on my bones! I could 'a' gone back an' made a mess o' the hull party with the toe o' my boot but I ain't overly fond o' killin'. Never have been. I took my time an' slopped erlong toward shore with the runt under my arm cussin' like a wildcat.

Their attitude was that of two schoolboys detected by their teachers in some forbidden act. I am sure Harding would have spoken sooner if he could have recovered his breath. "We're not fighting, my dear!" he managed to say. "Are we, Jim?" he added with a mighty effort. "Of course not," declared Bishop, gouging a piece of turf from his eye. "We're only rasslin'; that's all, isn't it, Bob?"

We can't give ye anny votes, because we haven't more thin enough to go round now; but we'll threat ye th' way a father shud threat his childher if we have to break ivry bone in ye'er bodies. So come to our ar-rms, says we. "But, glory be, 'tis more like a rasslin' match than a father's embrace. Up gets this little monkey iv an' Aggynaldoo, an' says he, 'Not for us, he says.

Sim Ripson leaped over the bar and separated them. "No rasslin' here!" said he. "When gentlemen gits too mad to hold in, an' shoots at sight, I hev to stan' it, but rasslin's vulgar you'll hev to go out o' doors to do it." "I'll hev it out with him with pistols, then!" cried Redwing, picking up his weapon. "'Greed!" roared Flip, whose pistol lay on the table.

Then they told of the boys they had "licked," and of the boys who had whipped them, also of the feud between the lads of Buckfield and Sumner and the desperate encounters which resulted from it. "Do you remember, Bob," asked Bishop, after a moment's pause, "of that 'rasslin' match we had on the floor of your dad's barn?"

I went to t' other feller that was rasslin' with a log tryin' to git it under him. He'd flop the log an' then it would flop him. He'd throwed his rifle 'crost the timber. I goes over an' picks it up an' says I: "'Take it easy, my son. I'll help ye in a minute. "His answer wa'n't none too p'lite. He were a leetle runt of a sergeant.

That's what this crowd wants to know! Now yev opened down to bed-rock, we'll git English Sam from Sonora, an' git up the tallest kind uv a rasslin' match." "Not unless English Sam meddles with my business, you won't," replied the deacon, quickly. "I've got enough to do fightin' speretual foes." "Oh," said Boston Ben, "we'll manage it so the church folks needn't think 'twas a set-up job.

He cud do him at rasslin' or chasin' th' greased pig, or in a wan-legged race or th' tug-iv-war. He cud make him look foolish at liftin' a kag iv beer or hitchin' up a team. But, whin it comes to di-plo-macy, th' Spanyard has him again th' rail, an' counts on him till his ar-rm is sore." "Why don't he tur-rn in an' fight?" demanded the patriotic Mr. Hennessy. "Lord knows," said Mr. Dooley.

Caught on to the fire-escape you bet." "No, he's goin' to learn that rasslin' trick." "Ikey's showin' the stranger the town. He's on for a bust, you bet." "Blank lot of jay birds," said Ike grimly, in a low tone. "I'll see'em later. You'd think they'd never seen a stranger before." "That is all for me, I suppose, Ike," said Shock apologetically. "Don't you worry. It won't give me any grey hair."