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The way was thus providentially prepared for Davida, who laboured on alone for fifteen years, for Tiere was soon afterwards removed by death, till assistance was sent him from Raratonga, itself lying in darkness when he commenced his ministrations. He received, however, occasional visits from the missionaries at Tahiti.

With God's aid, that will we do as soon as we reach our own island, or can let our brethren at Raratonga know of their condition." "Yes, you do speak like a real Christian, Marco," answered the seaman who had thoughtlessly made the proposal. "That's the right way, to be sure: I didn't mean that I would really wish to kill the poor savages, for of course they don't know better."

"Great as was the change, after all allowances are made, in the islands of which I have been speaking, that produced by the promulgation of the truth in Raratonga was still greater.

W'y that, havin' wisely given up yer idols, an' taken to the true God, the next best thing you can do is to go off at once to Raratonga, an' git the best adwice you can from those wot are trained for to give it. I can't say no fairer than that, for, as to askin' adwice on religious matters from the likes o' me, w'y the thing's parfitly ridiklous!" Jarwin sat down amid a murmur of applause.

"Now look 'ee here, Big Chief which it would be big thief if 'ee had yer right name I ain't goin' to stand this sort o' thing no longer. I kep' my word to you all the time we wos at Raratonga, but now I'll keep it no longer. I'll do my best to cut the cable and make sail the wery first chance I gits so I give 'ee fair warnin'."

Many were Chinese, queueless, smartly dressed in conventional white suits and American straw hats. The storekeepers had come in from the country. The men heatedly discussed the merits of the boxers. Opeta of Raratonga was mentioned as the champion of the world this part of it. Smoking was not allowed inside, so not until the last moment did the men file in.

After paying a second visit to Aitutaki, Mr Williams sailed in search of Raratonga, of the position of which even he was uncertain. He was accompanied by Papehia, and by some natives of Raratonga, who had been carried away by a trading vessel from their own island, and cruelly deserted on Aitutaki.

"To these more prominently important events may be added the establishment of a church at Raratonga, in May, 1833, ten years after the landing of the first native teacher, which went on increasing till the entire population had been brought under Christian instruction. "Still more important than the former events was the arrival of Messrs.

Next week a shark got him; took his arm off and blood poison did the business. And that big baroque there nothing much if I'm offered twenty francs for it to-morrow I'll be in luck; it came out of twenty-two fathoms of water. The man was from Raratonga. He broke all diving records. He got it out of twenty-two fathoms. I saw him.

They lasted some days, and then, as if Fate had relented, up sprang on the starboard quarter a spanking breeze, making the rigging sing to a merry tune, and blowing the spindrift from the forefoot, as the Raratonga, heeling to its pressure, went humming through the sea, leaving a wake spreading behind her like a fan. It took them along five hundred miles, silently and with the speed of a dream.