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The director thawed ever so slightly. "Of course, my girl, I'm busy but then I'm always busy. They run me to death here. Still, it was very kind of your friends, and of course " "Thank you, Mr. Henshaw." She clasped her hands to her breast and gazed raptly into the face of her coy listener. "Of course I'll have to have help on the details, but it starts off kind of like this.

She went to the window to raise the shade as far as it would go, and was struck with the wonderful sunset sky. "Oh, girls! Come here and look at that glory!" Eleanor rushed over, followed by Barbara who never wanted to miss anything good. All irritation was forgotten and healed as they stood gazing raptly at the beautiful view.

It was very quiet in the wood by the river. A late moon swung its golden censer above the water by invisible chains, marking checkered aisles of light in the silent wood, burnishing elfin rosaries of dew, touching with cool, white fingers of benediction the leaf-cowled heads of stately trees. Like lines of solemn monks they stood listening raptly to the deep, full chant of the moving river.

Ballads and arias followed until she had sung steadily for more than an hour. Wondering, David stole from his room and sat with the other roomers on the stairs, listening raptly to the golden voice that floated up to them. And not once did it falter or lose its pure timbre. Silence fell at last. The other roomers, sighing, went back to their rooms. David went down to the parlor.

As the Tiger Swami's story approached a climax, my excitement mounted with it; Chandi also was raptly mute. "Amidst piercing sound-explosions from Raja Begum, and the hubbub of the somewhat terrified crowd, I quietly made my appearance. Scantily clad around the waist, I was otherwise unprotected by clothing. I opened the bolt on the door of the safety room and calmly locked it behind me.

Fibsy stood, looking raptly at the gold gown, and now and then his eyes turned toward the knife on the dressing-table. The table was covered with silver toilet implements, and save for its unfitting suggestion, the knife was unnoticeable among the other trinkets. "It's all right," said Stone, returning. "Mrs. Schuyler sends a cordial invitation for all three of us to dine with her."

"And what shall I think about?" he asked. "About anything you like," responded the liberal minded schoolmaster, "provided it is limited to your permitted field of psychic activity." Anton tilted back his head and gazed raptly at a portrait of the Mighty William. "I think," he said, "that the water molecule is made of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen."

Meanwhile, Johnny Gamble found himself gazing as raptly at Constance until the chaperon, in a brief interlude between reminiscences, caught him at it. She reached over and touched him on the back of the hand with the tip of one soft pink finger. Immediately she held that finger to her right eye and closed her left one, and Johnny felt himself blushing like a school-boy.

In northern China the Buddhist priests sit out in evening, listening raptly to kung, the 'all-harmonious sound of the Hoang-ho rushing by. One longs to be the intimate of such meditations." I first heard of the Dakotan at a time when I was not quite so interested in the younger generation. A woman friend out in his country wrote me, and sent on some of his work.

Raptly scrutinizing his meagre form he chanted a line of verse that seemed apposite: "Build thou more stately mansions, O my soul!" He was already persuaded that his next incarnation would enrich the world with something far more stately than the mansion that he at present occupied; something on the Gordon Dane order, he suspected.