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I had resolved to regard the money I earned as the ransom-money of the church, paid by her for the redemption of an erring servant from the power of Mammon: I would therefore spend upon myself not one penny more than could be helped.

And yet to save so many men and their innocent families from ruin from desolation Yes, my lord," he exclaimed, hastily interrupting himself "I I will pay you the ransom-money." "No by Allah!" ejaculated Ibrahim; "not a single pistole shall be thus extorted from thee!

Drake then received the gallant prisoner on board his flagship much to the disgust and indignation of Frobisher and Hawkins, thus disappointed of their prize and ransom-money treated him with much courtesy, and gave his word of honour that he and his men should be treated fairly like good prisoners of war.

They are all so beautiful; and even my scent is nearly gone. And he cannot know that it is I lying here. Alas! alas! But as she thought thus, she felt his hand clasp her, heard the ransom-money fall, and felt that she was pressed to his face and lips, as he passed from the shop. He had chosen her; he had known her. She opened her eyes: her husband's kiss had awakened her.

Drake then received the gallant prisoner on board his flagship much to the disgust and indignation of Frobisher and Hawkins, thus disappointed of their prize and ransom-money treated him with much courtesy, and gave his word of honour that he and his men should be treated fairly like good prisoners of war.

Drake then received the gallant prisoner on board his flagship much to the disgust and indignation of Frobisher and Hawkins, thus disappointed of their prize and ransom-money treated him with much courtesy, and gave his word of honour that he and his men should be treated fairly like good prisoners of war.

They have sent me to visit your bench of Fontainebleau, and pray you for the ransom-money of Blogue, who lies in Bordeaux prison to be hanged. Two of his guards can be settled for eighty livres. You are rich, they say, and can pay it." "Yes, we can afford it," cried the cavern-chief boastfully. "I thought so, handsome ragmen," returned the visitor.

"Museau was very savage when he began to give up all hopes of the first messenger. He fancied that the man might have got the ransom-money and fled with it himself. Of course he was prepared to disown any part in the transaction, should my letter be discovered. His treatment of me varied according to his hopes or fears, or even his mood for the time being.

Joyful congratulations and affectionate greetings between these long separated parents and their children, made them for a while forget that Ægeon was yet under sentence of death; but when they were become a little calm, Antipholis of Ephesus offered the duke the ransom-money for his father's life; but the duke freely pardoned Ægeon, and would not take the money.

Sooner shall the Florentine Treasury grant thee an indemnification for the horrible tortures which thou hast endured, than thy wealth be poured forth to furnish this ransom-money. Come, my Lord of Orsini come, worthy Jew," continued the grand vizier, rising from his seat, "we will depart to the Ottoman encampment."