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Ranney then asked him to state an instance of new assignment, in a replication; and when Bart had stated its purpose and given an instance, he said he thought that a good pleader would always so state his case in his declaration as to render a new assignment unnecessary, perhaps impossible.

Year after year his voice has been heard throughout the State in defence of the Constitution and laws, and the honors which his party have bestowed upon him, are but a merited tribute to his energy, ability, and integrity of character. As a lawyer, Judge Ranney has ever held the front rank in his profession.

Judge Ranney declined this appointment. The same year he was unanimously nominated by the Democratic State convention as the candidate of that party for Governor his opponent on the Republican ticket being the Hon. William Dennison, of Franklin county, late Post-Master General of the United States.

She said, "I begin to think that Jim has religion, for if he hadn't something near it, he would never have sent me the money. Do you think he is all right, Mr. Ranney?" To which I answered that I really believed he was, and that he would be a good husband and father. I asked her if she was a Christian, and she said, "Yes, I go to church and do the best I can."

Collins was married at Columbus, to Jane, second daughter of the late Alfred Kelly the two families having been early neighbors and friends in New York. Two children of this marriage survive, Frederick and Walter, the former seventeen years of age at the present time, and the latter fourteen. Rufus Percival Ranney.

After a short stay at Fairport, Lake county, they finally located at Freedom, Portage county, where they made a permanent settlement upon a farm. It was there that Rufus P. Ranney spent the years of his early manhood, and there his parents lived until their decease.

''Fore I answer I'll hex if tell ye a story, said Uncle Eb. 'I recollec' a man by the name o' Ranney over 'n Vermont he was a pious man. Got into an argyment an' a feller slapped him in the face. Ranney turned t'other side an' then t'other an' the feller kep' a slappin' hot 'n heavy. It was jes' like strappin' a razor fer half a minnit. Then Ranney sailed in gin him the wust lickin' he ever hed.

Then he was so poor, and was so anxious to get through, and be admitted in September, that he was a little nervous when the lawyers found leisure in the afternoon to "overhaul his law," as Wade had expressed it. Ranney had no idea of letting him off on definitions and general rules, and he plunged at once into special pleading, as presented by Chitty, in his chapter on Replications.

"I don't think I will," said Manning, after a pause. "Don't be a fool! Come, be quick, or the boy will wake up." "He is awake already," said Walter, raising his head from the pillow. "Were you awake when I entered the room?" asked Dick Ranney, quickly. "Yes." "Fooled again!" exclaimed Ranney, bitterly. "Boy, I believe you are my evil genius. Till I met you, I thought myself a match for any one."

This is part of what I said that night: "'I make no pretense at being a Christian. I am a gambler. But the man standing there Dave Ranney was once my chum and pal. We had a little misunderstanding some five months ago, and I am here to-night to ask his forgiveness. Forgive me, Dave. I just left a card-game to come up to your anniversary and help make you happy.