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The old man informed him that Pentaur had returned, and he followed his superior to the released prisoners, who, prepared for the worst, and expecting severe punishment, nevertheless shook with laughter when Rameri suggested that, if by chance they were condemned to kneel upon peas, they should get them cooked first. "It will be long asparagus

"Why?" asked the prince sharply. "I thought I saw tears on your highness' cheeks." "Tears of joy that I am out of the trap," cried Rameri; he sprang on shore, and in a few minutes he was with his sister in the palace. This eventful day had brought much that was unexpected to our friends in Thebes, as well as to those who lived in the Necropolis.

"He treated us like school-boys!" said the eldest of the young malefactors. "And with reason," replied Rameri, "I respect him all the more for it. You all think I am a careless dog but I have my own ideas, and I will speak the words of wisdom."

Anana looked at the prince, dried his eyes quickly; and said: "I was the ring-leader. Ameni will turn me out of the place, and I must return disgraced to my poor mother, who has no one in the world but me." "Poor fellow!" said Rameri kindly. "It was striking at random! If only our attempt had done Pentaur any good!"

Take the lesson to heart, Mernephtah you, Rameri, take back your sword, and, believe me, life brings us so many real causes of vexation, that it is well to learn early to pass lightly over little things if you do not wish to become a surly fellow like the pioneer Paaker; and that seems far from likely with a gay, reckless temper like yours. Now shake hands with each other."

Pentaur pulled himself together, sent out a battle-cry like some fighting hero who is defending his last stronghold, and brandished his new weapon. He stood with flaming eyes, like a lion at bay, and for a moment the enemy gave way, for his young ally Rameri, had taken a hatchet, and held it up in a threatening manner. "The cowardly murderers are flinging fire-brands," cried the prince.

She imparted this plan to her friend, and Nefert thought any road best that would take her to her husband. Rameri was soon initiated into all this, and in return he told them all he had learned, and let Bent-Anat guess that he had read her secret.

I used to have a stout heart, but since that evening I frequently tremble, and an agony of terror comes over me, I do not know why. I believe some demon commands me." "You command, wherever you go; and no one commands you," cried Rameri. "The excitement and tumult in the valley, and on the quay, still agitate you.

The princess ordered her waiting-women to help lift the senseless girl, and was preparing to follow her when a message from her father required her presence in his tent. She could guess at the significance of this command, and desired Rameri to leave her that she might dress in festal garments; she could entrust Uarda to the care of Nefert during her absence.

Bent-Anat was startled; she reminded her brother of the stain that lay on the child of the paraschites and through which she herself had suffered so much; but Rameri answered eagerly: "In Egypt rank and birth are derived through the mother and Kaschta's dead wife " "I know," interrupted Bent-Anat.