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Be this as it may, 35,000 men set off for Rambouillet to take him, 10,000 were sent afterwards by the Duke of Orleans to protect him, and he has 7,000 at Rambouillet, chiefly cavalry and artillery, for the same purpose. I think there must be a smash.

On the first intimation of the march of the Parisians, the Comte de Saint-Priest prepared Rambouillet for the reception of the King, his family, and suite, and the carriages were even drawn out; but a few cries of "Vive le Roi!" when the women reported his Majesty's favourable answer, occasioned the intention of going away to be given up, and orders were given to the troops to withdraw.

At the Hotel de Rambouillet, in the splendid houses of the newly built Place Royale, in the salons of Duchesses, and the taverns of courtly roysterers and drunken poets, at Cormier's, or at the Pine Apple, in the Rue de la Juiverie, where it was all the better for a Christian gentleman not to understand the talk of the wits that flashed and drank there.

Lafayette promised well for his army, for the howling, shrieking women, for the cursing, raging men. And the king was satisfied with these assurances of General Lafayette, and so, too, was Marie Antoinette at last. Louis ordered the garde du corps to march to Rambouillet, and reserved only the necessary sentinels in the palace.

Light Literature: Ronsard Jodelle, Hardy, Malherbe, Scarron, Madame de Rambouillet, and others. 3. The French Academy. 4. The Drama: Corneille. 5. Philosophy: Descartes, Pascal; Port Royal. 6. The Rise of the Golden Age of French Literature: Louis XIV. 7. Tragedy: Racine. 8. Comedy: Moliere. 9. Fables, Satires, Mock-Heroic, and other Poetry: La Fontaine, Boileau. 10.

Although her maturity belongs to a later period, she was familiar with the Rambouillet circle in her youth, and inherited its best spirit. The charm of this literature is its spontaneity. It has no ulterior aim, but delights in simple expression. These people write because they like to write. They are original because they sketch from life.

Assuming the characters of the rather insipid Strephons and florimels, they made love in pastoral fashion, with pipe and lute these rustic diversions serving especially to while away the long summer days in the country at Rambouillet, at Chantilly, or at Ruel.

Its corridors and gravelled walks and the long alleys of the park and forest may not take on the fête-like aspect which they knew in the eighteenth century, but they are not solitary like those of Fontainebleau and Rambouillet, nor noisily overrun like those of Versailles or Saint Germain. The ornamental waters which surround the Chateau de Chantilly are of a grand and nearly unique beauty.

On the first intimation of the march of the Parisians, the Comte de Saint-Priest prepared Rambouillet for the reception of the King, his family, and suite, and the carriages were even drawn out; but a few cries of "Vive le Roi!" when the women reported his Majesty's favourable answer, occasioned the intention of going away to be given up, and orders were given to the troops to withdraw.

Sadi-Carnot was still less a hunter of the romantic school, but assisted frequently at the ceremonial shootings which were arranged for visiting monarchs. On one occasion he was put down on the record-sheet of a hunt at Rambouillet as responsible only for the death of eighteen heads, whilst a visiting Grand Duke pulled down a hundred and fifty.