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"And Don Ramon when does he return?" "In two weeks, no sooner." Two weeks later they were again gathered about the tubs. For a time after arrival they forgot La Tulita now the absorbing topic of Monterey in a new sensation. Mariquita had appeared with a basket of unmistakable American underwear. "What!" cried Faquita, shrilly. "Thou wilt defile these tubs with the linen of bandoleros?

The sun's last rays were gilding the walls of the Morro and the Cabana castles when Jack stepped out of the train at Havana Central Station that evening; but the residence of Don Ramon Bergera was close at hand, and the young Englishman determined to call, there and then, in the hope of finding the Don at home.

A few acres of chile and corn, a little hay, some range for my goats, a few cherry trees, a house.… Many thousands? No.” “You have here a home, amigo,” Ramon reminded him. “Do you know how long a thousand dollars would support you? A year, perhaps. Then you would have to work for other men the rest of your life. Here you are free and independent.”

The partitions of the ranch-house had been taken down, the interior rearranged, and the large living-room furnished in a plain, comfortable way. As Ramon worked he sang softly. He was happy. The señora was coming to live with them, and perhaps Señor Jim's son. Señor Jim had been more active of late. His lameness was not so bad as it had been.

He knew instinctively that he could trust this man and also dominate him. It was just such a follower that he needed. Nothing was said about money, but on the first of the month Ramon mailed Cortez a check for a hundred dollars, and that became his regular salary. About two weeks after the Don’s funeral, Ramon received a summons which he had been vaguely expecting. He was asked by Mr.

"This letter came to you when did you say, Mr. Mallowe?" "When Pennington Lawton and his daughter were at The Breakers at Long Bay, about two years ago last August, as nearly as I can remember." "If you still had the envelope, we could obtain the exact date from the postmark," Ramon suggested significantly. "The letter I see is only headed 'Saturday."

I said: "You used to buy things yourself of old Ramon; bought them for the admiral to load his frigates with; things he sold at Key West." "That was one of the lies your scoundrel David Macdonald circulated against us." "You bought things... even whilst you were having his store watched." "Upon my soul!" he said. "You used to buy things...." I pinned him.

Others among the officers had ambitions for leadership, but they knew now that Ramon had made the moment his and forestalled them. He had won the army over to him. He spoke briefly, but he took pains to see that no other speaker followed him. The plaudits for "General Culvera" rang like sweet music in his ears.

And now I am going to her . . . with all I love in life telling me . . . good-bye. You, Max, my boy . . . you, Davie, my son . . . you, Ygerne, my daughter. . . ." Ygerne, a sob shaking at her breast, rose swiftly and went out. But in a moment she was back, bringing with her a little flask of brandy. The eyes of Ramon Garcia, the only eyes in the room to follow her, grew unutterly sad.

I must call upon the Master Mind." For two days Anita wandered wraithlike about the great darkened house. The thought that Ramon was keeping something from her that he and her dead father together had kept a secret which, for some reason, must not be revealed to her, weighed upon her spirits.