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Get me this wonder, tell him I am hard to please, and agree on the sum I am to pay him per month." The cook, who was an excellent one, came the same evening. "It would be a good idea," said Raiberti, "to call on the Count d'Aglie.

Giles, and I furnished the necessary moneys. In spite of this charitable action, the wretched manuscript came out, but, as I have said, without doing me any harm. The superintendent made the Corticelli live in the same house with Redegonde, and Madame Pacienza was left in peace. After supper, with the exception of the Chevalier Raiberti, we all masked, and went to the ball at the opera-house.

I got to Turin at the beginning of December, and at Rivoli I found the Corticelli, who had been warned by the Chevalier de Raiberti of my arrival. She gave me a letter from this worthy gentleman, giving the address of the house he had taken for me as I did not want to put up at an inn. I immediately went to take possession of my new lodging.

"I forgot to tell you," said Helen, "that you would find a fowl there." I felt hungry, and made short work of it, and then we gave ourselves up to happiness. I had to set out on my travels in two days. I had received a couple of letters from M. Raiberti.

I swore to her that I did not love the Corticelli, and that I only kept her to prevent M. Raiberti being compromised; but all this was of no avail, she had formed her plans, and nothing would content her but a formal rupture which would give all Turin to understand that I loved her and her alone. On these conditions she promised me her heart, and everything which follows in such cases.

Our conversation was interrupted by a customer who wanted silk stockings. Hearing him speak of dancing, I asked him if he could tell me the address of Dupre, the ballet-master. "No one better, sir, for I am Dupre, at your service." "I am delighted at this happy chance. The Chevalier Raiberti gave me to understand that you might be able to give dancing lessons to a ballet-girl of my acquaintance."

Get me this wonder, tell him I am hard to please, and agree on the sum I am to pay him per month." The cook, who was an excellent one, came the same evening. "It would be a good idea," said Raiberti, "to call on the Count d'Aglie.

I left Marseilles by myself, and after crossing the Alps arrived at Turin. There I had a warm welcome from the Chevalier Raiberti and the Comte de la Perouse. Both of them pronounced me to be looking older, but I consoled myself with the thought that, after all, I was only forty-four.

I made her dine with me, and as I gave her the letter for M. Raiberti, and twenty-five Louis for the journey, I told her what I had written to the gentleman, who would take good care of them. She asked me for a trunk containing three dresses and a superb mantle which Madame d'Urfe had given her before she became mad, but I said that we would talk of that at Turin.

I left Marseilles by myself, and after crossing the Alps arrived at Turin. There I had a warm welcome from the Chevalier Raiberti and the Comte de la Perouse. Both of them pronounced me to be looking older, but I consoled myself with the thought that, after all, I was only forty-four.