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Then she sent for Rafaravavy. The girl, who in a few minutes entered her presence, was possessed of no ordinary beauty. Her delicate features and oval face were much lighter in complexion than those of the other ladies of the court, resembling rather those of a Spanish brunette than a Hova beauty.

Now, while our friends are thus pleasantly engaged, we will return to Rafaravavy, whom we left standing among the Queen's ladies.

Here it was decided that the palanquin, or chair-bearers, should proceed no further, as they only increased the danger of discovery, and that Ravonino, Rafaravavy, and Sarah should proceed alone and on foot through the extensive forest which lay just beyond the place. The first night all went well.

Mark's surprise at this abrupt termination of the interview was great, but as Rafaravavy retired hastily, he had no resource but to follow his friend. "Why so sharp?" he asked, as they passed along the corridor. "Because you have said enough," returned the Secretary, with a quiet smile. "You may understand your own women, no doubt, but not the Malagasy girls as well as I do.

When the former ceased, she did not remove the hand, but said, in a tone which the poor girl could not quite understand "Go! Enough. Leave me!" As Rafaravavy left the balcony, a prepossessing youth of delicate form and gentle mien emerged upon it by another door. "Mother," he said, earnestly, "do, do give me leave to recall your proclamation. I have just heard of it from Rainiharo.

She, Rafaravavy, Sarah, and the other females, were removed to another prison, and for a long time their male friends could learn nothing as to their fate. "It is this prolonged uncertainty that's so hard to bear," remarked Ravonino to Mark one day, lifting his hands high above his head, and letting them fall, with the clanking chains, into his lap.

"Your Queen, mademoiselle, is a servant of the devil," said Mark, whose indignation was severely stirred. "And, Rafaravavy, do you not profess to be a servant of the Christians' God the Almighty? "Come, come!" cried the Secretary, in a sharp tone, after translating this faithfully, "it is time to go. Follow me!"

So now, my friends, eat eat while you have the chance, and fear not the return of the spies!" "Tell me," said the guide, anxiously, "are you sure that Rafaravavy is still safe?" "She is still safe but no one knows how long that may be, for she is fearless, and utters the forbidden prayers even in the presence of the Queen.

There was that in the voice of Ranavalona which alarmed the girl, and caused her to tremble as she replied, with some hesitation, that she still prayed. Instead of giving way to another burst of passion the Queen adopted a bantering tone, and said "Come, Rafaravavy, tell me what you pray for." "I pray for the pardon of my sins." "Is that all? Surely you pray for something more than that.

As for the chair-bearers and their burden, such adjuncts to Malagasy travel were too numerous and common in the land to attract much attention. Fortunately the soldiers were hungry, and, being eager for food, did not search the house with care, but during their stay of an hour poor Rafaravavy heard all they said respecting her and the orders that had been issued for her arrest and death.