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Ringan Raefoot had become in his progress a very different looking being from the wild creature who had come with 'Geordie of the Red Peel, but there was the same heart in him.

'Ringan Raefoot, replied Geordie Sir Patrick began to put the oath of obedience to him, but the boy cried out 'I'll ne'er swear to any save my lawful lord, the Yerl of Angus, and my lord the Master. 'Hist, Ringan, interposed Geordie. 'Sir, I will answer for his faith to me, and so long as he is leal to me he will be the same to thee; but I doubt whether it be expedient to compel him.

Ninian! you ken a Scots tongue! Stay his blood, open his een, come to help ane that ever loved you and did you honour! So wailed Ringan of the Raefoot, holding his master's head on his knees, and binding up as best he might an ugly thrust in the side, and a blow which had crushed the steel cap into the midst of the hair.

Reaching higher, the sunburnt, freckled face was lifted up, and Eleanor's heart gave a great throb of hope. Was it not the wild boy, Ringan Raefoot? She could not turn away her head, she durst not even utter a word to those within, lest it should be a mere fancy, or a lad from the country bird's-nesting.

George Douglas's high head seemed to be the main object of attack, and he had Ringan Raefoot before him across his horse, apparently retreating, while David, Malcolm, and a few more made charges on the crowd to guard him. When he was seen, there was a cry of which he could distinguish nothing but 'Ringan! Geordie! goose Flemish hounds.

He was allowed free hands and his own horse, which was perhaps well for the Englishmen, for Ringan Raefoot, running by his stirrup, showed him a long knife, and said with a grin 'Ready for the first who daurs to lay hands on the Master! Gin I could have come up in time, the loon had never risen from the ground.

No sooner, then, had he come forth than half his men were round him shouting that here was Ringan of the Raefoot, that the Master had been foully betrayed, and that he was lying sair wounded at a Priory not far off.