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'For yourself, Stanley; and for me, self-sacrifice, she retorted, bitterly. 'Well, Radie, I may as well tell you one thing that I'm resolved to carry out, said Lake, with a dreamy serenity, looking on the dark carpet. 'I'll hear no secret, Stanley. 'It can't be long a secret, at least from you you can't help knowing it, he drawled gently.

'I forgot yes I believe I am a little tired; I'm afraid I have led you, too, farther than you intended. She fancied that her sudden change of plan on meeting her brother would appear odd. 'I'll see you a little bit on your way home, Radie, said Stanley. It was just what she wished to escape. She was more nervous, though not less courageous than formerly.

If not, it is not for want of distinctness on my part; and I think you had better leave me for the present, for, to say truth, I do not feel very well. 'Good-night, Radie good-night, old Tamar. I hope, Radie, you'll be better every way when next I see you. Good-night.

And does it not strike you that my staying here, on the contrary, would would tend to prevent the kind of conversation you speak of? 'Not the least, dear Radie that is, I mean, it could have no possible effect, unless the circumstances were first supposed, and then it could be of no appreciable use.

One woman can always influence another, and you are constantly with Dorcas. You'll do all you can; I'm sure you will; and you can do a great deal. I know it; I'll do as much for you, Radie! Anything you like. For the first time her brother stood before her in a really terrible shape; she felt his villainy turning with a cowardly and merciless treason upon her forlorn self.

The deepening shadow warned Dorcas that it was time to repair to the Dutch room, where she found lights and tea prepared. In a few minutes more the library door opened and Stanley Lake peeped in. 'Radie not come yet? said he entering. 'We certainly are much pleasanter in this room, Dorkie, more, in proportion, than we two should have been in the drawing-room.

Would you dislike my smoking a cigar, Radie? 'Oh, no, answered the young lady, with a little laugh and a heavy sigh, for she knew it meant silence, and her dark auguries grew darker. To my mind there has always been something inexpressibly awful in family feuds. Mortal hatred seems to deepen and dilate into something diabolical in these perverted animosities.

We'll send home for whatever you want; and you won't leave me, Radie, I'm certain. 'I'll stay, dear, as you wish it, said Rachel, kissing her. 'Did you see Stanley? I have not seen him to-day, said Dorcas. 'No, dear; I peeped into the library, but he was not there; and there are two men writing in the Dutch room, very busily, 'It must be about the election.

Rachel had come one morning to see Dorcas, and, awaiting her appearance, sat down in this room. The door of the library opened, and she was a little surprised to see Stanley enter. 'Why, Stanley, they told me you were gone to Naunton. 'Oh! did they? Well, you see, I'm here, Radie. Somehow he was not very well pleased to see her.

'There's no such haste, Radie. I only mentioned it. If you don't like it, of course it can lead to nothing, and there's no use in my speaking to Wylder, and so there's an end of it. 'There may be some use, a purpose in which neither my feelings nor interests have any part. I venture to say, Stanley, your plans are all for yourself.