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How do you know she isn't what I called her, the infamous dancing woman with an evil record a mile long?" "Haven't I talked with her?" Kendric grew impatient. "Haven't I seen her terror? Haven't I looked into her eyes?" "Haven't I talked with Zoraida?" countered Bruce. "Haven't I heard her explanations? Haven't I seen her terror of Rios? Haven't I looked into her eyes?"

"When I have found a man who stakes ten thousand, twenty thousand on one throw and is not moved; who returns ten thousand in rage because a word of pity goes with it, am I to let him go?" "I don't like the company you keep," said Kendric. "And I don't like your ways of doing business. I guess you'll have to let me go." "You mean Ruiz Rios?" Her eyes flashed and her two hands clenched.

Here and there were many rios, affluents or minor affluents of the Missouri. On their banks were towns and villages, growing more scattered as the "Albatross" sped farther west. Nothing particular happened during this day. Uncle Prudent and Phil Evans were left entirely to themselves.

East of Duida, on the right bank of the Orinoco, Maravaca, or Sierra Maraguaca, is distinguished by its elevation, between the Rio Caurimoni and the Padamo; and on the left bank of the Orinoco rise the mountains of Guanaja and Yumariquin, between the Rios Amaguaca and Gehette.

The maid who had brought him the paper was offering pen and ink. He accepted and wrote swiftly: "Jim Kendric." "Has Barlow breakfasted yet?" he asked, returning to his coffee. "An hour ago, Señor. He has gone out." "Alone?" "No, señor. With La Señorita Zoraida." "Hm," said Kendric. "And Rios? And Escobar?" "Señor Rios went to bed late; it is his custom, señor."

"There is a great deal we know, Ruiz Rios," broke out Bruce. "You hold the upper hand just now but there's a new deal coming!" "Will you come, Señorita Pansy?" Rios grew truculent. "Or shall I call for a dozen men to escort you?" "Rios," snapped Kendric, "I'm getting damned tired of this foolishness. Betty Gordon is a friend of mine and I'm going to see her through.

"Moralizing is nice when there is plenty of time and nothing else to be done. You are kept here against your will. It might not fit in ill with my plans to see you go." "I will have a look at Escobar first," said Kendric. Rios stepped aside and again threw open the door. But he did not stir from the spot, awaiting Kendric's return. Nor did Kendric tarry long.

"Rios is hard set in his belief that there's ancient treasure nearby. So is Barlow. So, evidently, was Escobar. If so, what more likely place than where we are? That hole didn't make itself after that regular fashion. I don't see just what it has to do with the case, I'll admit. But somebody made it a long time ago and didn't do it just for the fun of the job.

A letter revealing their sad plight, which was concealed in a ball of cotton sent as a present to the wife of the governor by one of the men on the island of Gallo, was smuggled ashore at Panama when Almagro's ship reached that point, despite his vigilant efforts to allow no such communications to pass. There was a new governor in Panama, Pedro de los Rios.

There, under a grape arbor, their chairs drawn close up to the little fountain, were Rios and Escobar, talking quietly. Both men rose as they appeared, offering chairs. Both were all that was courteous and yet it needed no guessing to understand that their courtesy was but like so much thin silken sheathing over steel; they were affable only because of a command. And that command, Zoraida's.