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"Sane dicerentur si res corporales nil nisi materiale continerent, verissime in fluxu consistere, neque habere substantiale quicquam, quemadmodum et Platonici olim recte agnovere."

One enjoins that corpses be buried in honey it is a fortunate circumstance that his desire is not complied with, otherwise where would any honey-wine be left? Another thinks that men grow out of the earth like cresses. -Postremo, nemo aegrotus quicquam somniat Tam infandum, quod non aliquis dicat philosophus-.

VIII. Et melius Caecilius de sene alteri saeculo prospiciente, quam illud idem: edepol, senectus, si nil quicquam aliud viti adportes tecum, cum advenis, unum id sat est, quod diu vivendo multa quae non volt videt. Et multa fortasse quae volt, atque in ea, quae non volt, saepe etiam adulescentia incurrit.

The longest of my designs is not of above a year's extent; I think of nothing now but ending; rid myself of all new hopes and enterprises; take my last leave of every place I depart from, and every day dispossess myself of what I have. "Olim jam nec perit quicquam mihi, nec acquiritur.... plus superest viatici quam viae." Seneca, Ep., 77. "Vixi, et, quem dederat cursum fortuna, peregi."

One enjoins that corpses be buried in honey it is a fortunate circumstance that his desire is not complied with, otherwise where would any honey-wine be left? Another thinks that men grow out of the earth like cresses. -Postremo, nemo aegrotus quicquam somniat Tam infandum, quod non aliquis dicat philosophus-.

The Sovereign is the highest height of the system, is, in that system, like Jupiter among the Roman gods, first without a second. "Nec viget quicquam simile aut secundum." Not, like Mont Blanc, with rivals in his neighborhood; but like Ararat or Etna, towering alone and unapproachable.

So a, b, Iren., Vigil., Ambr., Jer. John vi. 39. Non perdam ex eo quicquam. Crt. John vi. 51. Et panis quem ego dedero pro salute mundi, caro mea est. Crt., Theb., Aeth., Orig., Cypr. John xii. 30. The instances that have been here given are all, or nearly all, false readings on the part of Tertullian. It is, of course, only as such that they are in point for the present enquiry.

"Nec quicquam nudis vitalibus obstat Iam, praeter stantes in summis ossibus hastas." This is grotesque enough; the banquet of birds and beasts who feed on the skin of Pharsalia is even worse. The details are too loathsome to quote.

Secondly, I attribute little other interest to the remarks than what is derived from the celebrity of the person who made them. Heaven preserve you, and S. T. COLERIDGE. Quid quod praefatione praemunierim libellum, qua conor omnem offendiculi ansam praecidere? Neque quicquam addubito, quin ea candidis omnibus faciat satis.

Touching the second, it is certain that human laws, as they come from men, and in respect of any force or authority which men can give them, have no power to bind the conscience. Neque enim cum hominibus, sed cum uno Deo negotium est conscientis nostris, saith Calvin. Over our souls and consciences, nemini quicquam juris nisi Deo, saith Tilen.