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Isobel was standing close to the verge, her bosom heaving with quick-drawn breaths, her excited face flushing and paling in rapid alternation. Blake had pulled on his left glove, but had kept his right hand bare for her. As he held it out he looked up from the taut rope at his feet and saw her excessively agitated face. "Why, Miss Chuckie!" he remonstrated, "you're not going to break down now.

While we had eaten our hasty morning meal, I had told her what I had learned of the Vale Yndaia; and this had excited her more than anything I ever saw to happen to her, so that her grey eyes sparkled with brilliant azure lights, and the soft colour flew from throat to brow, waxing and waning with every quick-drawn breath.

Harding, Captain Norris, and most of the crew of the Lotus, flashing quick-drawn revolvers from beneath shirts and coats, and firing at two of the yacht's men who showed fight. "Keep quiet," commanded Skipper Simms, "an' there won't none of you get hurted." "What do you want of us?" cried Mr. Harding. "If it's money, take what you can find aboard us, and go on your way. No one will hinder you."

The play which was thrown on the screen had to do with France; with Joan of Arc and the lover who failed her, with the reincarnation of the lover and his opportunity, after long years, to redeem himself from the blot of cowardice. In the stillness, Derry heard the quick-drawn breath of the girl in front of him. "Daddy, I should hate a man like that." "But, my dear " "I should hate him, Daddy."

The earnestness in his tones was unmistakable; but she kept her face turned from him, and he knew only from the quick-drawn breath that she had heard him. "Constance," he pleaded, "look at me, dear. Give me this one chance. I shall never trouble you again." "You have no right " she began tremulously. "No right to tell you I love you. Do you think I don't know that?" he burst out.

A moment later he straightened and turned toward the light. A crinkling of paper, a quick-drawn sigh between clenched teeth; it was a letter; his strange, quiet, hunted-appearing father was talking to him through the medium of ink and paper, after death.

The girl looked at him and flushed. "Do you mean," she said, "because it's my because of what I am?" "Oh, no," said Jimmy; "please don't think that!" And impulsively he took her hand beneath the table. At the contact the girl caught her breath with a little quick-drawn sigh. "Here, take it!" she said, and drawing her hand away quickly, left a roll of bills in Jimmy's hand. That afternoon Mr.

So young, so friendless, so proud, and a woman! I did not burst into tears at the melancholy realization, tears were a mockery then: there was too much fire flaming in my eyes, and boiling my blood with indignation; my bosom heaved with quick-drawn sighs, and my lips were smiling in angry scorn. This, then was the result of their secret conferences, to get rid of me!

He was excessively pale, and though his eyes did not emit the lightning glance of passion, they flashed and burned like heated metal. I dared not ask him the cause of his emotion, I could only watch him with quick-drawn breath, and lips sealed with dread.

The small white hand fell from the window and gripped his own with sudden, violent strength. Neither spoke. Another peal of thunder, nearer and louder, shook the air. Then Orsino heard the quick-drawn breath again, and the white hand went nervously to the fastening of the window. Orsino opened the casement and thrust back the blinds.