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With a cry I tore them away, lost my balance, and fell sideways into the car on to the back of the front seat. I stood up unsteadily. It hurt me to breathe rather, and there was a stabbing pain in my right side. "Are you hurt?" said a quick voice above me. Dazedly I raised my head. Silvia was leaning over the balcony, one hand to her white throat. I could hear her quick-coming breath.

"Do so," answered I; "this is of thy great courtesy and kindness." So he took the lute and sang the following verses: Unto our loved ones we made our moan of our nights so long and drear; And lo, "How short is the night with us!" quoth they we hold so dear. This is because quick-coming sleep closes their happy eyes, But slumber comes not to close our lids, that burn with many a tear.

And he stooped to kiss her. Dismayed at the thought of going into the house and into that dreaded schoolroom alone, she caught her uncle's hand and said pleadingly, "Won't you come with me, Uncle George?" Then for the first time the doctor noticed her pale face and quick-coming breath, and he was touched by her confidence in him. "Of course I will," he said heartily.

"He shot at you, and you didn't tell me!" she said, reproachfully, facing him just inside the door. "Well, he isn't much of a shot," Morgan told her, cheerful assurance in his words. "I can assure you I was at no time in any danger." "Oh! you didn't tell me!" she said, her voice little above a whisper on her quick-coming breath.

There is also an interest in the life and welfare of her community, in civic, public welfare lines that the present and the quick-coming time before us along women's enfranchisement lines, along women's commonsense equality lines, is making her a responsible and full sharer in.

With quick-coming breath she blurted out the main part of her revelations, and then paused, as much from physical exhaustion as from an overwhelming sense of the threatened calamity. Rotha was quick to catch the significance of the message communicated in Liza's disjointed words.

The quick-coming darkness added enormously to the misery of their work. For hours they struggled along the bottomless road, in the midst of a ruck of played-out mules and unutterably tired, disgusted men, laboring as they were to get wagons ahead.

For a moment he looked at her with melancholy eyes, and then, shifting his gaze, he said, "You had troubles enow of your own, Rotha, without coming to share ours mother's and mine." "Yes," she answered, and a shadow crossed the cheerful face. "Will they banish him?" he said with quick-coming breath. "Mother says so; will they banish him from the country?"

"No relation whatever; we're the same person he was I." "But don't forget you can see the earth moving by a rising as well as by a setting star, by watching a sun rise " "A rising star if you wish," she said, smiling once more with perfect candour and friendliness. They turned to go back in the quick-coming mountain dusk.

There were candles in their sconces over the mantel and she moved nearer to have the better light. The soft glow of the candles fell upon her shining hair, and upon cheek and brow; and I could see her bosom rise and fall with the quick-coming breath, and the pulse throbbing in her fair white neck.