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Let me see," he adds, alternately turning his eyes up stream and down, "I fancy it must be above; and now I recollect there was a tall tree, a quebracha, not far from the ford. Ha!" he exclaims, suddenly catching sight of it, "there's the bit of timber itself! I can tell it by that broken branch on the left side. You see that, don't you, hijos mios?"

They do see the top of a solitary tree with one branch broken off, rising above the plain at about two miles' distance; and they can tell it to be the well-known species called quebracha an abbreviation of quebrahacha, or "axe-breaker," so named from the hardness of its wood.

I've witnessed its effects more than once seen it flung full thirty yards, and hit a spot not bigger than the breadth of my hand; the head of a horse, crushing in the animal's skull as if done by a club of quebracha. Heaven protect me, and you too, muchachos, from ever getting struck by a bola perdida!" "But why a lost ball?" asks Ludwig, with curiosity still unsatisfied.

That will count a score in our favour." By the time he has ceased speaking, they have reached the quebracha; and, soon as under its shadow, Gaspar again reins up, telling the others to do the same.

"Whether it be by wading or swimming," Gaspar remarks in continuance, "we'll get over the riacho up yonder, not far from that tree. So, let's on to it, senoritos!" Without another word, they all wheel their horses about, and move off in the direction of the quebracha.