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A perfect bachelor's house it was, too, with its windows opening on the Park, and sofas nicked into the windows, on which you might loll at your ease, like the philosopher in Lucretius, "Despicere unde queas alios, passimque videre Errare," and see the gay crowds ride to and fro Rotten Row, without the fatigue of joining them, especially if the wind was in the east.

In the De Subtilitate he speaks of him as "Verbosus et studio contradicendi tædulus ut alterum vix ferre queas, in reliquo gravis jactura artium posita sit, quam nostræ ætatis viri restituere conati sunt." But as Galen's name is quoted as an authority on almost every page of the Consilia Medica, it may be assumed that Cardan's faith in his primary theories was unshaken.

Nil dulcius est bene quam munita tenere Edita doctrina sapientum templa serena, Despicere unde queas alios passimque videre Errare atque viam palantes quaerere vitae. The learned are to hold the true doctrine; the unlearned are to be taught its morally beneficial contrary.

A perfect bachelor's house it was, too, with its windows opening on the Park, and sofas nicked into the windows, on which you might loll at your ease, like the philosopher in Lucretius, "Despicere unde queas alios, passimque videre Errare," and see the gay crowds ride to and fro Rotten Row, without the fatigue of joining them, especially if the wind was in the east.