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Saint-Saëns: Phaéton, Second Symphony, Sonatas, Persian Melodies, the Rapsodie d'Auvergne, and a quartette. Vincent d'Indy: The trilogy of Wallenstein, the Poême des Montagues, the Symphonie sur un thème montagnard, and quartettes. Chabrier: Part of Gwendoline. Lalo: Fragments of the Roi d'Ys, Rhapsodies and Symphonies. Bruneau: Penthésilée, La Belle au Bois Dormant.

Let's have dinner," the boys urged. It was not Leigh Shirley's fault that Thaine should be placed between her and Jo at the spread of good things to eat; nor Jo's planning that she should be between Thaine and Todd Stewart. But nobody could be unhappy today. In the late afternoon the crowd strolled in couples and quartettes and groups up and down the picturesque place.

In the days of my childhood, some ingenious person had devised a game known as "Educational Quartettes." These "quartettes" were merely another form of the game of "Happy Families," which seems to make so persistent an appeal to the young. Every one must be familiar with it.

"And now comes the most striking movement in the score: the duet between Osiride and Elcia in the subterranean chamber where he has hidden her to keep her from the departing Israelites, and to fly with her himself from Egypt. The lovers are then intruded on by Aaron, who has been to warn Amalthea, and we get the grandest of all quartettes: Mi manca la voce, mi sento morire.

At the age of sixteen he became solo pianist with Emma Abbott's company. As a composer Robyn has written some three hundred compositions, some of them reaching a tremendous sale. A few of them have been serious and worth while, notably a piano concerto, a quintette, four string quartettes, a mass, and several orchestral suites.

Like glass balls on a fountain-spray, red and blue and purple spheres drifted up and down, and confetti showered, and dancers snatched paper caps from the heads of strangers, and crowned themselves therewith. Wilder groups danced, not in pairs, but in trios and quartettes with arms locked around shoulders and it wanted a half-hour of the changing year.

There was some fine singing, in solos, duets, and quartettes, and a slender little girl showed a good lip, large lungs, and nimble fingers on a silver cornet, out of which she fired repeated volleys of sputtering jigs at the overelated spectators.

Not the old quartettes and duos of times past; but very beautiful rooms nevertheless, in which they could later entertain their friends who had come to the graduation exercises. The organist began to play softly on the great organ in the chapel, and played until every girl was seated the graduating class upon the platform.

Every afternoon it was particularly the custom about tea time for boats containing music hall quartettes or a boatload of Geisha girls to pull up in front of the house-boat and regale the occupants with the latest music hall songs. In one end of their boat is a little melodion apparently built for river travel, for I never saw one anywhere else.

Fresh quartettes of flags flicked up on both steamers, were acknowledged, and were replaced by others; and when the liner drew up alongside, and stopped with reversed propellers, she had a loaded boat ready swung out in davits, which dropped in the water the moment she had lost her way. The bunting had told the pith of the tale.