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One of them would certainly have taken away the small amount of life that was still in me had not a terrible incident led to my escape from the mêlée. 'Among the Frenchmen who had got their flanks against my mare's near flank was a quartermaster-sergeant, whom I knew from having frequently seen him at the marshal's, making copies for him of the "morning states."

They had been joined by an artilleryman, a quartermaster-sergeant from the reserves, a knowing, self-satisfied-looking person with brown mustache and imperial, and the three stood talking like old friends, unmindful of what was going on about them.

Grimers, under the Skipper's instructions, began to plant vegetables for the spring, but I do not think he ever got much beyond mustard and cress. On particularly unpleasant days we were told off to make fascines. N'Soon assisted the Quartermaster-Sergeant. Cecil did vague things with the motor-lorry. I was called upon to write the Company's War Diary.

It was on that night that the Quartermaster-Sergeant found that one of the men had bored a hole into a barrel of coffee, which he had mistaken for whiskey, and was shaking it up good, wondering why it would not run.

Something happened that I was unable to be present the first forenoon that clothing was issued, and, when I did call upon the quartermaster-sergeant, there was only two or three suits left, and they had been tumbled over till they looked bad. I can remember now how my heart sank within me, as I picked up a pair of pants that was left.

The Captain read it over slowly, and then, in tones of awe, a murmured "Wonderful" wafted through the office. "I beg your pardon, sir?" The N.C.O. was again at his side. "I said wonderful, Quartermaster-Sergeant quite wonderful. Do you think they'll swallow it?" "It has been done before, sir." The tone was non-committal.

I am proud, however, to record the names of four soldiers belonging to the Seventeenth Mississippi Regiment: J. Wm. Flynn, then a mere lad, but whose record will compare with the brightest; Samuel Frank, quartermaster; Maurice Bernhiem, quartermaster-sergeant, and Auerbach, the drummer of the regiment.

I inquired if he was the post-quartermaster here. He was. "Ain't you Major Harper's quartermaster-sergeant?" he asked. "I am his clerk." In the car a flash of joy and then great decorum. As he handed me a writing he glowed kindly. It proved to be from Major Harper; a requisition upon this officer for shoes and clothing; not for a brigade, regiment or company, but for me alone, from hat to shoes.

"Something might be done, sir, with system; the quartermaster " "You are right. Let us consult him. Hyde is still acting, and he has already proved himself a shrewd, hard-headed old soldier." Quartermaster-sergeant Hyde for he had accepted the grade, although unwillingly came and stood "at attention" before his superiors.

Grégoire. Around him are grouped his satellites the Quartermaster-Sergeant, four Company Sergeants, some odd orderlies, and a forlorn little man in a neat drab uniform with light blue facings, the regimental interpreter.