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I want you to see that you're not shut up in any quarter-inch cedar bandbox!" He took her familiarly by the arm and led her to a door which, like the others, was covered with a plating of steel, and heavily locked and barred. "Necessity, you see, is still the mother of invention," he said, as his finger played on the electric signal and released the obstructing door.

The cages were in a room file room, storeroom, junk room behind Jimenez's office. It had a spring lock, too, and the Fuzzies had dragged one of the cages over and stood on it to open the door. The cages themselves were about three feet wide and five feet long, with plywood bottoms, wooden frames and quarter-inch netting on the sides and tops.

"Tie them together the same height as the teepee cover " "Tie them? With what?" "'Rawhide rope, he said, but he also said 'Make the cover of skins. I'm afraid we shall have to use common rope for the present," and Yan looked a little ashamed of the admission. "I reckoned so," drawled Sam, "and so I put a coil of quarter-inch in the cover, but I didn't dare to tell you that up at the barn."

Line a skillet or deep pie pan it must be three inches deep at least, liberally with short crust, rolled rather more than a quarter-inch thick. Fit well, then prick all over with a blunt fork.

The machine in itself weighs but a few pounds, and can be driven by a half-inch or three quarter-inch belt, and requires a little more power than a light-running sewing machine.

You cannot get so vile a cigar as that outside of a London hotel. If I could have seen a quarter-inch more of it, I should have been able definitely to locate the hotel itself. The wrappers unroll to a degree that varies perceptibly as between the different hotels.

"The next question is, where are you going to get the rope?" "I have one that is plenty long enough," answered Tad. "You mean the quarter-inch rope?" spoke up Walter. "That's in the pack that went over the cliff." Tad Butler's face fell. "Guess you are mistaken, Walt," corrected Ned. "You threw that rope down when you were packing. I picked it up and it's in my kit on my pony now."

Lay on low rack in deep pan, brown lightly in oven, then fit close over each a round of good short crust, rolled a quarter-inch thick. Return to oven when crust is a rich brown the chickens will be done. Serve crust with each portion thereby recalling a glorified chicken pie.

Some candied peel may be added, or a few drops essence of lemon." Mix well, drop on greased tin, and bake in a slow oven. Do not let the stiffness of the dough induce you to add milk or water. Pour upon flour enough to make a soft dough, flavor with nutmeg, roll out a quarter-inch thick, cut with a small, round cutter, and bake in a quick but not scorching oven.

Among those present, though at a respectable distance, were Ned Rutherford and Brad Charlton. The fishermen took with them neither rods nor bait. Their flybooks were left at home. Beaudry brought to the meeting-place a quarter-inch rope and a grappling-iron with three hooks. Sweeney and Ryan carried rifles and the rest of the party revolvers. Dave himself did the actual fishing.