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The lion-tamer, whose part it was to exhibit the liberty he could take with the animals, was ill, and his assistant, after much bravado as to his equal power, had felt his courage quail, and tried to renew it with drink.

I've got 'em here," and he shyly produced the basket. "If ye kin afford it, Jeff," responded his aunt resignedly, "I'm thankful." The reply was so unexpectedly mild for Aunt Sally, that Jeff put his arms around her and kissed her hard cheek. "And I've got some quail, aunty, knowin' you liked em."

Little darts of purple, that were running quail, crossed the glades. And a plaintive, sweet peeping came from the coverts. Bess's soft step disturbed a sleeping lizard that scampered away over the leaves. She gave chase and caught it, a slim creature of nameless color but of exquisite beauty. "Jewel eyes," she said. "It's like a rabbit afraid. We won't eat you. There go."

Some folks aren't as smart as they think they are." Bob White, who is sometimes called Quail and sometimes called Partridge, and who is neither, chuckled heartily. "Go ahead, old Mr. Curiosity, go ahead and hunt all you please," said he. "It's funny to me how some folks think themselves smart when the truth is they simply have been lucky.

Like most of his race, Swartboy was more cunning than brave though he was far from being a coward. Still he was by no means inclined at that moment to go up to the door of the kraal. The angry growls from within would have made a stouter heart than Swartboy's quail with fear. In this dilemma Hendrik came to his relief.

"Mark, quail!" I shouted, and, recovering instantly my nerves, fired my one remaining barrel after the last bird! It was a long shot, yet I struck him fairly, and he rose instantly right upward, towering high! high! into the clear blue sky, and soaring still, till his life left him in the air, and he fell like a stone, plump downward! "Mark him! Tim!" "Ey! ey! sur.

He heard the laughter of big-mouthed, jolly negroes eating watermelons in the shade of great trees and the song of mocking birds in the stillness of summer nights! A rabbit ran across the road and he smiled at the recollection of his first hunt. A quail whistled from the tangle of blackberry briars by the roadside.

They thought Thornton swallowed that all right, so Dennison told him that if he couldn't get Omar Khayyam he must get some Rosbach of '82. After that they asked what sort of fly he used for quail; of course the man must have been simply too sick of them to say anything." "Lambert never told me anything about the champagne," I said.

I am glad that you are here, Frau von Werrig, that we may understand each other once for all; but you came against my wishes." "You must excuse it, dear Marie. It was the longing of mother's heart which led me hither; the love " A cold, contemptuous glance of the large eyes caused the mother to cease, and quail before her daughter.

"What game of cross-purposes and crooked answers is this?" "That remains to be seen. I shall see to it that an investigation is made and the guilty parties punished." Was it fancy, or did Roy, for a second, see Mortlake quail and whiten? But if the boy had seen such a thing, the next instant Mortlake was master of himself. "It seems to me to have been a plot put up by my workmen," he said.