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It was the sort of thing you read about as having happened just before the French Revolution the haughty nobles in their castles callously digging in and quaffing while the unfortunate blighters outside were suffering frightful privations. The voice of the Bassett cut in on these mordant reflections: "Bertie." "Hullo!" Silence. "Hullo!" I said again. No response.

They desecrated seventy chapels, forced open all the chests of treasure, covered their own squalid attire with the gorgeous robes of the ecclesiastics, broke the sacred bread, poured out the sacramental wine into golden chalices, quaffing huge draughts to the beggars' health; burned all the splendid missals and manuscripts, and smeared their shoes with the sacred oil, with which kings and prelates had been anointed.

If it be so, their wonted fires are not altogether extinguished in their ashes, in their throats, I might rather say, for I beheld one of these excellent old men quaffing such a horn of Bourbon whiskey as a toper of the present century would be loath to venture upon. But, really, one would be glad to know where these strange figures come from.

There are the negro waiters ready to pounce upon the first glass that is half-emptied of its contents, so that its owner seeing no glass before him feels it incumbent to order again. There are crowds of females girls and women in street costumes some smoking cigarettes sitting poised on men's knees; others at the tables quaffing stimulants like their male companions.

But what struck us most was that De Baudricourt, albeit so successful in his hunt, seemed little pleased with his day's work. His face was dark, as though a thunder cloud lay athwart it, and he gave but curt answers to our questions, as he stood steaming before the fire and quaffing a great tankard of spiced wine which was brought to him.

Your Bourbon, on the contrary, a five-mealed man, quaffing right Falernian night and day; and wisely esteeming the gratification of his palate of such importance, as absolutely to send from Lisle to Paris distance of I know not how many score leagues at a crisis, too, of peculiar difficulty for a single pâte! "Go," cried the illustrious exile to his messenger; "dispatch, mon enfant!

My service to you, Citoyenne," he pledged her, and raising his cup, he poured the wine down a throat that was parched by the much that he had drunk already, But ere the goblet was half-empty, a sharp, sudden cry from La Boulaye came to interrupt his quaffing.

Pouring out a glass of liquor, and quaffing it without pause, he motioned to the lieutenant to do the same a suggestion not possible for that person to misunderstand and then proceeded to narrate such portions of the late occurrences in and about the village as it was necessary he should know.

As he was about to apply it to his lips, and shook back his flaxen curls, the remembrance of, a Norse drinking-cup in his possession an heirloom, which could not stand on its bottom, and had therefore to be emptied before being set down, induced him to chuckle quietly before quaffing his beer.

The attitude of a little fiddler who is exhibiting his trick monkeys can hardly be surpassed by caricaturists of any time. A quaint bit of cloister scandal is indicated in an initial from the Harleian Manuscript, in which a monk who has been entrusted with the cellar keys is seen availing himself of the situation, eagerly quaffing a cup of wine while he stoops before a large cask.