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I had a room in the top of the Palazzo da Mula on the Grand Canal just above the Salute and within a step of the traghetto of San Giglio. By going out of the rear door and keeping close to the wall of the houses skirting the Fondamenta San Zorzi, I could reach the traghetto without getting wet. The Quadri was the nearest caffe, anyhow, and so I started.

Round and round goes the chattering contented crowd, while every table at each of the four cafés, Florian's and the Aurora, the Quadri and the Ortes Rosa, swells the noise.

That was, he bore a cane, wore light gloves, and stared from Florian's windows at the ladies who went by. At the Caffe Quadri, immediately across the Piazza, there was a scene of equal hopefulness. But there, all was a glitter of uniforms, and the idling was carried on with a great noise of conversation in Austrian- German.

But the other caffe in the Piazza do not enjoy Florian's cosmopolitan immunity, and nothing would create more wonder in Venice than to see an Austrian officer at the Specchi, unless, indeed, it were the presence of a good Italian at the Quadri. It is in the Piazza that the tacit demonstration of hatred and discontent chiefly takes place.

This flight seems beyond his strength; and his waxy little wings, which sustained him so well within his own sphere, melted at once in this higher region. Far better is an exquisite little picture in his very best manner, a work which hangs in the apartment De' Piccoli Quadri. This is a Judgment Day, and a cheerful painting of its class.

He spent the day in the gloomy chamber at the inn; and, simply as a means to secure calm after the recent excitements, he passed the hours in arranging his papers, and in burning those of which he wished to be rid. When evening fell, he made his way to the Café Quadri in the Square of St. Mark, since this was supposed to be the chief haunt of the freethinkers and revolutionists.

"'Yes, your name's Marny. "'What's yours? "'Mine's Diffendorfer. "'Where do you want to dine? "'Anywhere you say. How will the Quadri do? "'In a private room? I said this to see how he would take it. He still stood in the full glare of the lantern. "'No, unless you prefer. I would rather dine downstairs more people there. "'All right lead the way, I'll follow.