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On passing the gate, I was accosted by a person who exclaimed in a tone of great kindness, "Qu'as tu, ma bonne? qu'est ce qui vous afflige?" Knowing the risk I should run in representing the real cause of my concern, I immediately thought of ascribing it to the loss of the property of which I had been plundered.

On passing the gate, I was accosted by a person who exclaimed in a tone of great kindness, "Qu'as tu, ma bonne? qu'est ce qui vous afflige?" Knowing the risk I should run in representing the real cause of my concern, I immediately thought of ascribing it to the loss of the property of which I had been plundered.

"Nous vous demandons ce que vous avez fait de nos tresors et de notre liberte?" "We want to know what you have done with our treasure and our liberty?" President. "Citoyens, vous etes dans le sein de la Convention Nationale." "Citizens, I must remind you that you are in the presence of the National Convention." People. "Du pain, du pain, Coquin Qu'as tu fait de notre argent?

There is the carriage. God bless you, dear Clive. When it is gone he goes to the opposite windows of the salon, which are open, towards the garden. The chapel music begins to play from the Convent, next door. What hast thou, my child? Hast thou spoken? Yes. Madame de F. And she loves thee? I know she loves thee. Clive. You hear the organ of the convent? Madame de F. Qu'as tu? Clive.

"Nous vous demandons ce que vous avez fait de nos tresors et de notre liberte?" "We want to know what you have done with our treasure and our liberty?" President. "Citoyens, vous etes dans le sein de la Convention Nationale." "Citizens, I must remind you that you are in the presence of the National Convention." People. "Du pain, du pain, Coquin Qu'as tu fait de notre argent?

On passing the gate, I was accosted by a person who exclaimed in a tone of great kindness, "Qu'as tu, ma bonne? qu'est ce qui vous afflige?" Knowing the risk I should run in representing the real cause of my concern, I immediately thought of ascribing it to the loss of the property of which I had been plundered.

They were obliged to pass the Terrasse on their way home: there, alone, under the shadow of the palms, sat Armand de Châteaumesnil. The invalid's great haggard eyes fixed themselves observantly on Cecil Tresilyan as she went by. He laid his hand on the major's sleeve when he came to his side, and said, in a hoarse whisper, "Qu'as tu fait donc, pour l'atterrer ainsi?"

Meanwhile, Lord Bracondale had gone on to sup at the Café de Paris, with Marion de Beauvoison and Esclarmonde de Chartres; and among the diamonds and pearls and scents and feathers he suddenly felt a burning disgust, and a longing to be out again in the moonlight alone with his thoughts. "Mais qu'as tu, mon vieux chou?" they said.