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My father, who found these sort of occasions far from agreeable, at first refused; but these "Citoyens" were so insistent, saying that everything had been organised and that the guests had gathered, that my father gave in and went off to Cavaillon. The best hotel had been decked with garlands, and was graced by the presence of the local dignitaries from the town and its outskirts.

Yes, O Citoyens, we are signaling; it is a device, this, worthy of the Republic; a thing for what we will call far-writing without the aid of postbags; in Greek it shall be named Telegraph. 'Telégraphê sacre, answers Citoyenism. For writing to Traitors, to Austria? and tears it down, Chappe had to escape and get a new legislative Decree.

"Citizen General," he said gracefully, "we come and pay our respec's to you and mek our report, and ver' happy to see you look well. Citoyens, Vive la Republique! Hail to the Citizen General!" "Vive la Republique! Vive le General!" cried the three citizens behind him. "Citizens, you are very welcome," answered the General, gravely, as he descended the steps and took each of them by the hand.

Contemporains de tous les hommes, Et citoyens de tous les lieux. A khan of Tartary admired the wit of Molière, and discovered the Tartuffe in the Crimea; and had this ingenious sovereign survived the translation which he ordered, the immortal labour of the comic satirist of France might have laid the foundation of good taste even among the Turks and the Tartars.

It is an interesting phenomenon. I notified Monsieur Saint-Hilaire of the facts, and he thanked me. It is a monster you see before you, citoyens. The people here call her 'the girl Tronche'; they should say 'the girls Tronches, for there are two of them. Nature has these freaks.... Good evening, citoyens; we shall have a storm to-night...."

"Nous vous demandons ce que vous avez fait de nos tresors et de notre liberte?" "We want to know what you have done with our treasure and our liberty?" President. "Citoyens, vous etes dans le sein de la Convention Nationale." "Citizens, I must remind you that you are in the presence of the National Convention." People. "Du pain, du pain, Coquin Qu'as tu fait de notre argent?

When I may read of tilts in days of old, And tourneys graced by chieftains of renown, Fair dames, grave citoyens, and warriors bold If fancy would pourtray some stately town, Which for such pomp fit theatre would be, Fair Bruges, I shall then remember thee. SOUTHEY, Pilgrimage to Waterloo.

The reason for this step was probably the fact that it was not safe for her to continue in Paris alone and unprotected. The robbers in the woods at Neuilly might be laughed at; but the red-capped citoyens and citoyennes, drunk from the first draught of aristocratic blood, were no old man's dangers.

One of the first things I saw last night was a large placard beginning "Citoyens!" Among the orders is one forbidding any one from placarding any orders of the Versailles government under the severest penalties; and another threatening with instant dismissal any official who shall recognize any order issuing from the said government.

*The oration consisted of several parts, each ending with a kind of burden of "Citoyens, la patri est en danger;" and the arrangers of the ceremony had not selected appropriate music: so that the band, who had been accustomed to play nothing else on public occasions, struck up ca ira at every declaration that the country was in danger!