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Hoover's precepts was not to mention that any staple was out until the last moment. At about six o'clock she usually came pussy-footing to my door in the tennis shoes she always wore, to tell me that there wasn't a potato in the house, or any butter.

The youth had answered her first question and was about to answer the second when George Sea Otter, in all his barbaric splendour, came pussy-footing around the comer of the station in old man Cardigan's regal touring-car. The Highest Living Authority, following the gaze of the baggage- smasher, turned and beheld George Sea Otter. Beyond a doubt he was of the West westward.

He acts like he was stuck on you. Say, listen; everybody says he's a bad one. Say, listen, honest; they say he'd compromise a lady jus' soon as not." "Why, I don't know what you mean." "Oh no, like fun you don't him rubbering at you all day and pussy-footing around!" "Why, you're perfectly crazy! He was merely asking me about some papers " "Oh yes, sure!

"Back in the hills. You know that yourself. That charge won't stick." "Then maybe it was the second of May," Harris returned. "I sort of forget." Slade suddenly grasped the significance of this arrest. "How many of you fellows are pussy-footing round out here?" he inquired of Carp. "I don't mind confessing that several of the boys are riding for you," Carp informed.

Your immejit boss the office-manager is all right, but the secretary of the company is always pussy-footing around, and if you're ever having any trouble with your stuff when old plush-ears is in sight, keep on typing fast, no matter what you put down. Now read me the dope." It was approximately correct. He nodded, and, "Good work, little girl," he said. "You'll get along all right.

This difficulty is only an imaginary one for, luckily, as soon as a man's code of honor has been elevated to the extent that it permits him to take up a career of pussy-footing there is generally eliminated at the same time any objection he might have to what is often called bribery.

Even so, Anketam's faith in the power of Xedii remained constant. The invading armies were still being held off from Chromdin, weren't they? The capital would not fall, of that he was sure. What Anketam did not and could not know was the fact that the Invaders were growing tired of pussy-footing around. Instead of fighting Xedii on Xedii's terms, the Invaders decided to fight it on their own.

But sometimes I think you've just come snooping round roe to find out something. You come and you go, always so curious, always wanting to know, pussy-footing round with your questions and your compliments. What's on your mind?" Mayer found himself in an impasse. She knew him too well and she was too angry to be diverted with the temporizing lightness of their early acquaintance.

They save that bunkum for pussy-footing, peace-loving, backward-looking, dollar-worshiping Americans. As a nation we do not wish to be awakened from our complacency, and the old theory that a prophet is without honor in his own country is a true one. So perhaps it would be well if we discuss something else luncheon, for instance. Attention! Silence in the ranks!

"Logic, man, logic! A race as far advanced as this one could certainly move in and occupy us without trouble. Wouldn't you think?" "Certainly. That's what bothers me. Why all the pussy-footing around with synthetic men who keep dropping dead?" "I think it's because they themselves are unable to exist in the climatic and atmospheric conditions existent on our planet."