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His generosity was only limited by his purse, and there were times in his life when he drew the line too fine, for, as he himself once said, "I assure you that many a time I have not known where my food was to come from, nor if I should find a place in which to lie down at night."

But since the world goes its way past all who will not partake of its folly, she now found herself alone. Her purse was open to him whose need was greatest. In her walks on Broadway, she no longer thought of the elegance of the creatures who passed her. Had they more of that peace and beauty which glimmered afar off, then were they to be envied. Drouet abandoned his claim and was seen no more.

Murgatroyd had returned in her indignant letter; another roll of notes, of considerable value, in a note-case; a purse containing notes and gold to a large amount all those she laid one by one on a dust-covered table. And finally and as calmly as if she were sorting linen she swept bank-notes, gold, and purse into her steel-chained bag, and tore open the sealed envelope.

Thus while we deplore years of vandalism, and the thousands who have joined the "careless throng" we can always turn to the pleasing contrast of sympathizers and friends who are always, willing to give "honor to whom honor is due," and in doing so have spared neither purse nor efforts in aiding those who under difficulties have guarded the flame of tradition and love of the splendid past with its bright galaxy of "heroes, martyrs, saints."

Away they went, side by side, each cutting the clear water with a firm, broad stroke, for both could swim well. "It's goin' to be nip an' tuck, I reckon!" went on Barringford, as interested as if the youths were matched for a heavy purse. "I must say I don't know who to shout for! Do your best, both on ye! Now, Dave, that won't do!" For Dave had fallen behind a few strokes.

Virginia opened a small satchel that had dropped from her mother's hand, found her purse, paid the man his dues, and counting the remainder told the doctor there was enough to provide what would be needed for the patient until other relatives could be summoned, and that should be done at once by telegrams to be paid by the recipients.

She was aware only that James kept some private matter of importance there, and she would as readily have robbed her husband's purse as have spied into things of which he did not speak to her. Now, however, all mere thoughts of courtesy or honor must yield before the alternative in which James and Donald stood.

I came out here more for the sake of seeing a little of the world than anything else, but now that this has turned up I'll have a shy at it." "Quite so," said Farintosh, rubbing his hands. "You see," Ezra continued, lighting a cheroot, "I have the name here of having a long purse and of knowing which way the wind blows.

You little know the value of six shillings to the mother of a poor family, Mary; but, you should remember that her time is valuable, and that it is as sinful to deprive her of the use of it, as if you took money from her purse." "Well, uncle, I will acknowledge that I did wrong to keep the poor woman waiting, and I will endeavour to be more considerate in future.

"How much do we owe you, Doctor?" said my mother. She spoke in a voice trembling with severity. He closed the purse and gently pushed it back towards her. "A glass of beer and a chop, Mrs. Kelver," he answered, "which I am coming back in an hour to cook for myself.