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He's about about the only thing that ever cared whether I lived or fell and rotted on the cursed track." He rested again; then he continued: "That that there dog was pupped on the track," he said, with a sad sort of a smile.

"Ah, it has aged me five years! I was at the door, bowing to monsieur, and in a moment it had me from behind." "It was my fault for leaving the bag loose. The creature was but pupped the day we left New York, six weeks come Tuesday. Do I speak with my father's friend, Monsieur Catinat?" "No, monsieur," said the guardsman, from the staircase.

An' say, I'm yearnin' jest gaspin' to wipe out the score. I don't sort o' care a bit for your loss. That ain't my funeral. But they've beat me plumb out same as if I was some sucker who ain't never roped an' branded a three-year-old steer since I was pupped. Are you comin' along? They struck out northwest. We got that, an' the boys is follerin' hard on their trail.

And this through the whole street and farther, to the farmhouses, from the one to the other, all day long, till evening fell again and that same thick mist came to wrap everything in its grey, dark breath. And again they wandered, through a drove, to a homestead and into the hay. "The dog has pupped," said the little old woman; and she shook her man. "Pupped?..."

"Say," he cried, "of all the blamed fules I'd say we three was the craziest ever pupped." Sandy turned inquiring, contemptuous eyes in his direction. He always adopted a defensive attitude when Sunny opened out. Toby only grinned and waited for what was to come. "Meanin'?" inquired Sandy in his coldest manner.

We had our trade with Spain and the French and with the Flemings before those mongrels were pupped, Spanish ale in Galway, the winebark on the winedark waterway. And will again, says Joe.

I suppose you saw his D.S.O. gazetted?" "I did. And he deserves a jolly sight more," he exclaimed heartily. "I've come to the conclusion that that fellow in the hospital I forget the brute's name " "Somers," said I. "Yes, Somers. I've come to the conclusion that he was the damn'dest, filthiest, lyingest hound that ever was pupped." "I'm glad to hear it," said I. "It was a horrible story.

Forget, forgive. Kismet. Let me off this once. He should be soundly trounced! Pigdog and always was ever since he was pupped! To dare address me! I'll flog him black and blue in the public streets. I'll dig my spurs in him up to the rowel. He is a wellknown cuckold. Come here, sir! Quick! Ready?

The fisherman was not a generous man and gave Torfi the smaller share of the food. He absolutely forbade giving the dog the tiniest morsel and said that bitch ought to be killed. To this Torfi made no answer, but always stole a bite for the dog when the fisherman had gone to bed. Now the time came when the bitch was to pup. The bitch pupped.

But, when I am once married, here I stand against all comers, and if you hear them grumble or threaten you, tell them that any Sunday afternoon, when there is nothing better to be done, I'll throw my cap into the ring and fight all the Fieldings that ever were pupped, one down another come on."