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When he was getting ready to fight my father walking sideways at him and snarling, while my father, I am bound to confess, backed away mother did not say a word, but went straight at him as she had rushed at the puma that day when she saved my life. Then father jumped at him also, and between them they bundled him along till he fairly took to his heels and ran.

But I can see through it all, see into their very souls, and see there nothing but the souls of beasts, beasts that perish, anger and the lusts to live and gratify themselves. Yet they're odd; complex, like everything else alive. There is a kind of upward striving in them, part vanity, part waste sexual emotion, part waste curiosity. It only mocks me. I have some hope of this puma.

His bullet went through the head of the puma, which rolled over by the side of its late antagonist. "You told me not to fire for fear of attracting the Indians," I observed. "So I did, but I am satisfied that the uproar made by the boar would have brought them to the spot had there been any in the neighbourhood," he answered. "I don't think we have cause to fear them.

They are commonly taken with the steel trap. The puma seldom leaves the vicinity of the carcass of an animal it has killed until it is all devoured. When such a carcass can be found the capture of the beast is easily effected. Set the trap, size No. 5, page 143, near the remains, and cover the carcass with leaves.

The next night, as soon as the place was quiet, Clare went down, and had another game with the puma. Before their sport was over, he had begun to teach him some of the tricks he had taught Abdiel; but he could not do much for fear of making a noise and alarming some keeper.

Herbert recognized it as the ferocious rival of the tiger, as formidable as the puma, which is the rival of the largest wolf! The jaguar advanced and gazed around him with blazing eyes, his hair bristling as if this was not the first time he had scented men.

There was one black jaguar-skin; melanism is much more common among jaguars than pumas, although once Miller saw a black puma that had been killed by Indians. The patterns of the jaguar-skins, and even more of the ocelot-skins, showed wide variation, no two being alike.

But the monkey, who had been watching him out of the corner of his eye, waited until the puma drew near, and with a violent kick upset the bowl all over the puma himself. When the puma saw what had happened, he turned in a great hurry to leave the house, but before he could do so, he saw the shepherd coming, and hastily lay down again.

Another "hist!" another arrow! Hark! a well-known voice well-known voices the voices of Don Pablo and Guapo! See! they burst into the glade Don Pablo with his axe, and Guapo with his unerring gravatána! The puma turns to flee. He has already reached the border of the wood; he staggers the poison is doing its work.

'This is the second time I have lost a sheep, the man said to the monkey; 'it will be the worse for the thief when I catch him, I can tell you. The monkey did not answer, but silently pointed to the puma who was pretending to be asleep.