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It was a virtue among the Greeks as well as other peoples of the Gentile world; and I wonder not that when the heroes who captured Troy saw Aeneas carrying his aged father Anchises on his shoulders and leading his son, the puer Ascanius, by the hand, out of the burning city, they cheered him and allowed him to escape with his precious burden.

Such observers there are, but they are uncommon; and among a hundred thousand fathers you will not find one such. Puer, child; infans, one who does not speak.

"Multa tulit fecitque puer, sudavit et alsit, Abstinuit venere et vino." There is another class of critics whose cant is simply can't, and who, being unable or unwilling to surrender themselves to these simple sources of enjoyment, are grandiloquent upon the dignity of manhood, and the absurdity of full-grown men in playing monkey-tricks with their bodies. Full-grown men?

"Nothing, but that Downing Street has turned into Parnassus. The astounding fact is, that Grenville has teemed, and, as the fruits of the long vacation, has produced a Latin epigram. 'Veris risit Amor roses caducas: Cui Ver "Vane puer, tuine flores, Quaeso, perpetuum manent in aevum?" The prince laughed.

His prayer-book was in his hand, and he still remained on his knees. He had been praying for me. Supposing me still insensible, he broke out in the following soliloquy: "Naviculator larvus pallidus how beautiful even in death! My poor lighter-boy, that hath mastered the rudiments, and triumphed over the Accidence but to die! Levior puer, a puerile conceit, yet I love it, as I do thee.

After mass one day, as I remember it was the patron saint's day of His Majesty Tsar Alexandr Pavlovitch of blessed memory, he unrobed at the altar, looked kindly at me and asked, 'Puer bone, quam appelaris? And I answered, 'Christopherus sum; and he said, 'Ergo connominati sumus' that is, that we were namesakes. . . Then he asked in Latin, 'Whose son are you? To which I answered, also in Latin, that I was the son of deacon Sireysky of the village of Lebedinskoe.

Experience has since explained to us the results of introducing bloodshed into such quarrels. The laws which recognize war are and were acknowledged. But when A kills B because he thinks B to have done evil. A can no longer complain of murder. And Cicero's criticism is somewhat puerile. "And thou, boy," Antony had said in addressing Octavian "Et te, puer!"

It is as follows: Disce, puer, virtutem ex me, verumque laborem; Fortunam ex aliis; nunc te mea dextera bello Defensum dabit, et magna inter praemia ducet. Tu facito, mox cum matura adoleverit aetas, Sis memor: et te animo repetentem exempla tuorum, Et pater Aeneas, et avunculus excitet Hector. Aeneid, xii.

That is a vein which would be bridled; Parce, puer, stimulis, et fortius utere loris. And, generally, men ought to find the difference between saltness and bitterness. Certainly, he that hath a satirical vein, as he maketh others afraid of his wit, so he had need be afraid of others' memory.

Hic puer ætatem, his Vir sponsalia noscat. Hic decessorum funera quisque sciat. No Flatt'ry here, where to be born and die Of rich and poor is all the history. Enough, if virtue fill'd the space between, Prov'd, by the ends of being, to have been.