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"No," sez I, reasonably, "she don't. But most probable if she had bigger things to think about she'd loosen the puckerin' strings 'round her ankles, push her hat back out of her eyes, an' get down on her feet again."

I don't say what she had in the bag, but I do say this, that she had it fixed so's she could have ondone it in a secont's time. And her eyes wuz intent on the heavens overhead. But they kep calm and serene and cloudless, nothin' to be seen there no sign, no change and Ma Charnick kep still and didn't draw the puckerin' string.

And so far " She ends with a shrug of her white shoulders and a puckerin' of her rosy lips. "Poor Baron!" sighs Sadie, teasin'. "I know," says Veronica. "And what a big, handsome creature he is too! But I fear I'm not equal to carrying on a lifelong monologue." "Surely that wouldn't be the case with Beverley Duer," suggests Sadie. "Isn't he entertaining!" says Veronica enthusiastic.

We walked round a little longer through the magnificent rooms, and anon we met Arvilly. She wuz lookin' through a carved archway at the distant form of the Emperor and unfastenin' the puckerin' strings of her work-bag, but I laid holt of her arm and sez: "Arvilly, for pity sake help me find Robert and Dorothy."

"'Beauty has been the power of the ages," Grandmother continued, taking refuge once more in The Household Guardian. "'Cleopatra and Helen of Troy changed the map of the world by their imperial loveliness." "I didn't know imps was lovely," Matilda remarked, frowning at the result of her labours. "I reckon I'll have to set a piece in at the corner, where it's puckerin'."

Bates continued: "It really used to make my heart ache to see the little forlorn thing sit there in the gallery, fixed up so old and fussy, and then to see her sister prinked out like a milliner's show window, a puckerin' and twistin', and if she happens to catch her sister's eye, I have actually seen her turn up her nose at her, so " and Mrs.

"And arter that when I read the affectin' account of your death in a strange land, I cried." "Cried?" said I, "I'm much obleeged to you, but there's nothin' to cry for as I know." "So there be'nt," said she, puckerin' up her pretty little mouth; "but tell me, now, is this reely you?" "I don't know," said I, "whether its reely myself or not, for I haven't seed myself how do I look?"

I don't say what she had in the bag, but I do say this, that she had it fixed so's she could have ondone it in a secont's time. And her eyes wuz intent on the heavens overhead. But they kep calm and serene and cloudless, nothin' to be seen there no sign, no change and Ma Charnick kep still and didn't draw the puckerin' string.

Joe and Miss Pool kinder hung together all this time though I ketched him givin' several wistful looks at Jenette, as much as to say, "Oh, how I hate to leave you, Jenette!" But Miss Pool would roust him up agin, and he would shout and sing with the frienziedest and most zealousest of 'em. Mother Charnick stood with her bag in her hand, and the other hand on the puckerin' string.

Joe and Miss Pool kinder hung together all this time though I ketched him givin' several wistful looks at Jenette, as much as to say, "Oh, how I hate to leave you, Jenette!" But Miss Pool would roust him up agin, and he would shout and sing with the frienziedest and most zealousest of 'em. Mother Charnick stood with her bag in her hand, and the other hand on the puckerin' string.