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In the scratch reflex, for instance, the impulse which excites the flexor muscles inhibits the excitation of the extensor muscles. I believe this principle underlies the higher processes and upon it is built up the whole of the psycho-physiological mechanisms. DR. TOM A. WILLIAMS, Washington, D. C.: I want Dr. Putnam to reply to two objections to his position.

The components of the syrup were all simple and easily procurable with these two exceptions, as were the basic components from which these were made. The mechanical guinea-pig demonstrated that the syrup contained nothing harmful to human tissue. Of course, there were the warnings about heightened psycho-physiological effects.... He stuck a poison-label on the bottle, locked it up, and went home.

Bebel, the propagandist and expounder of Marxian theories, also repeats this assertion that, from the psycho-physiological point of view, woman is the equal of man, and he attempts to refute, without success, the scientific objections that have been made to this thesis. Since the scientific investigations of Messrs. This book is also available in English, I believe.

Its need is radical revision and coordination of various cults and theories in the light of the latest psycho-physiological science. Gymnastics allies itself to biometric work. The present academic zeal for physical development is in great need of closer affiliation with anthropometry.

I'll keep an exact record of my symptoms and sensations, because they are interesting in themselves "a curious psycho-physiological study," says the doctor and also because I am perfectly certain that when I am through with them they will all seem blurred and unreal, like some queer dream betwixt sleeping and waking.

No one that I know of connected with any of these institutions, where the richest material is going to waste, is making any serious and competent research on lines calculated to bring out the psycho-physiological differences between the sexes and those in authority are either conservative by constitution or else intimidated because public opinion is still liable to panics if discussion here becomes scientific and fundamental, and so tend to keep prudery and the old habit of ignoring everything that pertains to sex in countenance.

Whilst the procedure in which we recognize our normal ego reposes upon the desire for sleep, it appears compelled by the psycho-physiological conditions of sleep to abandon some of the energy with which it was wont during the day to keep down what was repressed.

Evidently, that time had not yet arrived for Max, for he remained alive that is, he ate, drank, walked, borrowed money and did not return it, and altogether he showed by a series of psycho-physiological acts that he was a living being, possessing a stomach, a will, and a mind but his soul was dead, or, to be more exact, it was absorbed in lethargic sleep.

"We want to work out a substitute for Beta that will keep the flavor of the drink without the psycho-physiological effects." "Yes, sure. I have some of the boys at the plant lab working on that. Gave them a lot of syrup without Beta, and told them to work out cheap additives to restore the regular Evri-Flave taste; told them it was an effort to find a cheap substitute for an expensive ingredient.

It is true that all this implies a certain independence of mental life in relation to the mechanism of matter; and that is why Mr Bergson was obliged to set himself the problem of the relations between body and mind. We know that the solution of this problem is the principal object of "Matter and Memory". The thesis of psycho-physiological parallelism is there peremptorily refuted.