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C. PONTIO: C. Pontius Herennius, the father of C. Pontius Telesinus who defeated the Romans at the Caudine Forks during the Second Samnite war, in 321 B.C. The father is several times mentioned by Livy 9, cc. 1 and 3; cf. especially 1, § 2 C. Pontium, patre longe prudentissimo natum. NEARCHUS: mentioned by Plutarch, Cato 2, as a Pythagorean and friend of Cato.

"I have recognized you for the last five minutes, but it was not my business to speak first." "And I see with pleasure," said D'Harmental, "that Captain Roquefinette is still prudent." "Prudentissimo, chevalier; so if you have any new overture to make, out with it." "No, captain, no; not at present, at least. Besides, the place is not suitable for a conference of that nature.

The portrait of the Pope may be seen in the Doria Gallery at Rome; for it is still esteemed an honor by the noble family to which the gallery belongs to be able to trace a relationship to a Pope, even though so vile a one as Innocent "Magis amat papa Olympiam quam Olympum" said Pasquin; and the pun still clings to the memory of him whom his authorized biographer calls "religiosissimo nelle cose divine e prudentissimo nelle umane."

"I believe that the adjournment is prudent." "Prudentissimo!" said the captain. "Athenais, light my pipe. La Normande, pour me out something to drink." "The day after to-morrow, then, captain?" "Yes; where shall I find you?" "Listen," replied D'Harmental, speaking so as to be heard by no one but him. "Walk, from ten to eleven o'clock in the morning, in the Rue du Temps Perdu.