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I name it, Manuela. The Prudencia, for thee, my kind hostess. Why do you laugh?" Marm Prudence was twinkling in her quiet way. "I was only thinkin' there'd have to be one soldier boy go without his hat to-morrow!" she said, good-humouredly. "It does look nice on you, though, Miss Margaritty, that's certin." Blushing scarlet, Rita tore the hat from her head.

His father was cruel and vicious but smart, Holy Mary! Diego has his brain; but he has, too, the kind heart and gentle manner Ay! Holy God! Come, come: here are the horses. Call Prudencia, and we will go to the bark and see what the good captain has brought to tempt us." Four horses led by vaqueros, had entered the court-yard. "Prudencia," called Chonita.

Twenty girls, sharply watched and directed by Doña Trinidad and the sometime mistress of Casa Grande, worked upon the marriage wardrobe. Prudencia would have no use for more house-linen; but enough fine linen was made into underclothes to last her a lifetime.

Oh, what joy, Marm Prudencia! No, Prudence, you like better that. Show me, please! I burn to begin." "Why, you're real eager, ain't you?" said Marm Prudence. "Now I'm glad I spoke; I thought mebbe 'twould suit you. Young folks like to be at something."

Delmonty, don't start a person like that. You'd oughter know my sunbunnit by this time." The young man had already lowered his weapon, and showed a laughing face of apology as he lifted his broad-brimmed hat. "I beg your pardon, Donna Prudencia," he said. "I was asleep, and dreaming; not of angels!" he added, as he made another low bow, which included Rita in its sweep of respectful courtesy.

Donna Prudencia is a pearl, an empress among women, but rightly named; she complains that I talk too much on these subjects. But when one's heart is in the field, and one's legs refuse to follow, again, what would you? No matter! silence is golden! Wait but a little, and you shall see. Who knows? It may be this very night."

Don Annunzio followed them with an elaborate air of indifference; but once seated in his great chair, he began to speak eagerly, gesticulating with his cigar. "Dios! Prudencia, you had an inspiration from heaven this day. What I have been through! the sole comfort is that I have lost twenty pounds at least, from sheer anxiety.

Doña Trinidad smiled with the pride of the Californian housewife. "It is ready, my son. Come to the dining-room, no?" She led the way, followed by the family, Reinaldo and Prudencia lingering. As the others crossed the threshold he drew her back. "A lump of tallow, dost thou hear, my Prudencia?" he whispered, hurriedly. "Put it under the green bench. I must have it to-night." "Ay! Reinaldo "

It was a careless question, and he looked at her reproachfully. "I have been well, Chonita," he said. At this moment our attention was startled by a sharp exclamation from Valencia. Prudencia had announced her engagement. Valencia had refused many suitors, but she had intended to marry Reinaldo Iturbi y Moncada. Not that she loved him: he was the most brilliant match in three hundred leagues.

Prudencia, alone, curled up in a far corner of her bed, the clothes over her head, was bemoaning many things incidental to matrimony. As she heard the sound of heavy steps she gave a little shriek. "It is I, Prudencia," said her uncle. "Where is Reinaldo?" "I do not know." "Did he not come from the ball-room with thee?" "N-o-o-o-o." "Dost thou know where he has gone?" "N-o-o-o, señor."