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With much adoe I have brought 'em: the prowde Shellains Are paid too well, and that makes them forget We are their Masters. 1 Burg. But when we tooke them on, Famishd allmost for want of entertainement, Then they cryde out they would do any thing We would commaund them. 1 Cap. And so we say still, Provided it be honest. Giles.

This embarrassed Albert, for it was true, though the cause assigned was not. 'What's Hazel been up to? he queried. The affection beneath his heavy pleasantry strengthened his mother in her resolve that Hazel should not stay the night. 'There's a magic-lantern lecture on tonight, Hazel, he said. 'Like to come? 'Ah! I should that. 'You can't walk home at that time of night, said Mrs. Prowde.

Thou barraine ground, whom winter's wrath hath wasted, Art made a mirror to behold my plight: Whilome thy fresh spring flower'd: and after hasted Thy summer prowde, with daffodillies dight; And now is come thy winter's stormy state, Thy mantle mar'd wherein thou maskedst late.

He forgot that life had to be shaped with an axe till the chips fly. As soon as he had gone, Mrs. Prowde shut the door on Hazel hastily, for fear the weather might bring relenting. She had other views for Albert. In after years, when the consequences of her action had become things of the past, she always spoke of how she had done her best with Hazel.

Yet, whenever she went for a walk, she felt her feet taking her towards Undern. Then, quite suddenly, one morning Reddin rode past the house. Mrs. Marston saw him. 'Edward must know of this, she said, very much flustered. 'You ought to go away somewhere, Hazel. 'Away? Why ever? 'Out of temptation. Why not to your aunt's? 'Aunt Prowde wouldna have me. And Ed'ard wouldna like me to go.

'Oh! only like in the Bible, said Hazel disappointedly. 'I thought you meant summat real. 'Oh! You'll bring down my grey hairs, wailed Mrs. Prowde. An actress was bad, but an infidel! 'That I should live to hear it in my own villa, with my own soda cake on the cake-dish and my own son, she added dramatically, as Albert entered, 'coming in to have his God-fearing heart broken!

'Well, let her share yours, then. Mrs. Prowde played her trump-card. As long as I live, my room's mine. When she had said this she was horrified at herself. What an improper thing to say! Even anger and jealousy did not excuse impropriety, though they excused any amount of unkindness.

They sat hand in hand by the fire that evening, and she told him of her aunt Prowde, and how she first came to know Reddin, and how he threatened to tell Edward of her first coming to Undern. She was astonished at the way his face lit up. 'Why didn't you tell me that before, dear? It alters everything. You did not go of your own choice at first, then. He had you in a snare.