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"Lot of sense in that remark," commented Mosey, with a similar potency of adjective. "Well, this is about the last place God made," growled Cooper, the crimson thread of kinship running conspicuously through his observation, notwithstanding its narrow provinciality. "Roll up, Port Phillipers! the Sydney man's goin' to strike a match!" retorted Mosey.

"How would you have me begin?" "With making Mr. Hardcastle less offensively pompous, and Mrs. Hardcastle less tedious, and Mrs. Upjohn less dogmatic, and Mrs. Anthony more sincere, and Miss Delano less namby-pamby, in short, by taking a little of the superficiality and narrow-mindedness and provinciality out of the place if possible." Denham tossed back his head with a light laugh.

"You are mistaken, Mr. Thorn," said Mr. Carleton, gravely. "Am I? In what ?" "In every position of your last speech." "It don't affect your plans and views, I suppose, personally, whether this prosecution is continued or not?" "It does not in the least." "It is indifferent to you, I suppose, what sort of a queen consort you carry to your little throne of a provinciality down yonder?"

In the physiognomy of the three there is similitude enough to declare them of one nation, though dissimilarity sufficient to prove a distinct provinciality both in countenance and character.

Constance was utterly absorbed by it, in the most provincial way. Sophia had said to herself at the beginning of her sojourn in Bursley, and long afterwards, that she should never get accustomed to the exasperating provinciality of the town, exemplified by the childish preoccupation of the inhabitants with their own two-penny affairs.

So he wrote, in scores of passages of filial devotion, concerning the village of his boyhood and the city of Boston. His best-known prose sentence is: "Boston State House is the hub of the Solar System." It is easy to smile, as indeed he did himself, at such fond provinciality, but the fact remains that our literature as a whole sadly needs this richness of local atmosphere.

When it has escaped being a muddle the note it has succeeded in striking at the furthest will be recognised as one of those that are called high but by the courtesy, by the intellectual provinciality, of theatrical criticism, which, as we can see for ourselves any morning, is well, an abyss even deeper than the theatre itself.

Gaston explained. "Of our own species? Tudieu!" said his father, looking up. "Surely it's infinitely fresher and more amusing for me to marry an American. There's a sad want of freshness there's even a provinciality in the way we've Gallicised." "Against Americans I've nothing to say; some of them are the best thing the world contains. That's precisely why one can choose.

They and Eugénie, therefore, between them, provide for his effect before he appears, they by their dull provinciality, she by her sensitive ignorance. The whole scene, on the verge of the action, is full of dormant echoes, and the first movement wakes them.

"I didn't want to see that old frump anyhow," retorted Laura, who inclined to charge the inhabitants of the township with an extreme provinciality. "And what else was there to say, but yes or no? She asked me all things I didn't know anything about. You don't want me to tell stories, I suppose?"