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Gladys, followed by poor little Minette in her black frock, was managing the household. Owen and his father were out of doors, the former doing his best to cheer his poor father, who had been perhaps more entirely cast down by his loss than any other member of the family, Mrs Prothero not excepted.

Poor child! poor silly, thoughtless child, she will never be happy again. 'Indeet to goodness, this is fullish! I shall go, Mrs Prothero. Good morning. Just as Mrs Jenkins was making a kind of curtsey by the bedside Gladys said that she saw Mr Prothero riding up to the house.

Mother, if I don't come home to-night, don't be frightened, as she may have gone a good step. Mr Prothero was leaving the room, when Miss Hall stopped him, saying, 'I thought, Mr Prothero, that you might not have seen this notice of a meeting in your son's parish, and as he is mentioned, I brought over the paper for you. Mr Prothero thanked Miss Hall, and took out his spectacles.

Do you think she would mind what I say to her? Miss Gwynne entered. 'I have sent off the servant, and now let me go to the girl. This was said with the decision of an empress, and with equal grandeur and dignity was the bow made with which she honoured Rowland as she made her exit, followed meekly by Mrs Prothero. A short time afterwards she was alone by the bedside of the sick girl.

'Owen, whispered Mrs Prothero, taking her son's arm and leading him away, 'what is a joke to you is death to her, remember that. 'There, don't be angry, mother; I will help her to do her work to-morrow.

'He couldn't care much for his father, my dear; you must make allowances. 'An odd man, that Griff, brother David, said Mr Jonathan Prothero, as if just awaking from a dream. 'Do you remember when we were lads together, and used to go up to Garn Goch looking for treasures?

Whatever happy retort may have risen to them was forever lost. For an exchange of repartee, the moment did not seem propitious. "Perhaps now," jeered Prothero, "you'll believe I'm in earnest!" Ford still resisted any temptation to reply. He grinned apologetically at the girl and shrugged his shoulders. Her face was white, but it was white from excitement, not from fear.

'Oh, young 'ooman, I daresay you can do this job for me. You've got a new manty-maker, mother; where's Jane Morris, name o' goodness? 'We're only making shirts for Owen, father, replied the wife meekly, dreading an outburst. Gladys took up the coat and was instantly engaged in mending it, whilst Mr Prothero produced a letter just received from Rowland.

While Mr Prothero and Netta gazed admiringly, Mrs Prothero was off and returned with Shanno, Mal, and Tom the boy, who were all in a broad grin of delight at the arrival of their prime favourite, Owen. He, meanwhile, is in his element; begins with Lord Nelson again, and makes the whole party take turns.

'Oh! there is not much to tell, says Owen, 'and I won't tell that unless father promises to keep his lecture till to-morrow. I hate a sermon late at night, but don't so much mind it in the morning. Don't look so serious, mother; I don't mean a clerical preachment. Do you promise, father? 'Well, there, as you like, said Mr Prothero, laughing? 'but I wish you hadn't made me break my shin.