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Under his influence I wrote a work defining our relation to the Church of Rome, namely, "The Prophetical Office of the Church viewed relatively to Romanism and to Popular Protestantism." The subject of this volume, published in 1837, is the "Via Media." This was followed by my "Essay on Justification," and other works; and so I went on for years up to 1841.

Continuing his prophetical function, when he found that he was like to be sent to Nero, he announced to Vespasian, "Thou art Caesar and Emperor, thou, and this thy son.... thou art not only lord over me, but over the land and the sea and all mankind."

And while pious men were looking into the prophecies, to see the end of this dreadful Babylon, Doctor Bengel of Wurtemberg in Germany was awakened in the first part of the last century, to compare for many years the prophetical dates of the Revelation with events of the ecclesiastical history, and has shown in his book, entitled: "Erklaerte Offenbarung," which means "Revelation explained," that Christ's manifestation for overcoming his enemies and establishing his peaceable reign on earth, would take place about the year 1836.

Chatty, so soft, so simple, so yielding, driven by cruel fate into a position so terrible, feeling everything at stake, not only her happiness but the life already spoiled and wasted of the man she loved, feeling too that on herself would depend the decision of all that was to follow, and yet seized by a prophetical terror, a fear which was tragic, lest her own habit of submission should still overwhelm all the personal impulse, and sweep away her very life.

Thus in many instances, we find the prophetical personages altogether omitted, and we have simply the attribute figuring the prophecy itself, the burning bush, the rod, the dewy fleece, &c. The Sibyls are sometimes introduced alternately with the Prophets.

How much company-promoting, fraud, mendacity, adulteration of food, could we not render impossible, if ethical and prophetical teaching took the place of the Church catechisms and the creeds, if men could be persuaded that the success of their ventures quite legitimate in the eyes of the civil and criminal law can only be purchased by the tears and ruin of human beings?

But to return to the "Prophetical Office." "It is proposed," I say, "to offer helps towards the formation of a recognized Anglican theology in one of its departments.

A woman of Hertfordshire, illuminated by prophetical visions, desired admittance into the military council, and communicated to the officers a revelation, which assured them that their measures were consecrated from above, and ratified by a heavenly sanction. * Whitlocke, p. 360.

We shall speak further on in this book regarding the great event. But we have mentioned Doctor Martin Luther as representing the champions of Protestantism against Popery. Their mission is only prophetical.

I do not wonder that he left out His Grace of Monmouth: it seems to me very near prophetical of what was to fall presently, when the Duke was to revolt against his new Sovereign and suffer the last penalty for it, at his hands. But His Majesty blessed all the rest of his children one by one, drawing them down to him upon the bed they weeping aloud, as I heard. A very strange scene followed this.