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"It sounds to me," said Honora, slowly, "as though some one would get cheated." "Some one get cheated!" he exclaimed, laughing. "Every one gets cheated, as you call it, if they haven't enough sense to know what their property's worth, and how to use it to the best advantage. It's a case," he announced, "of the survival of the fittest.

"So here they are," continued the miller. "It's a little more of the same game. The property's all yours and it isn't. You'll oblige, of course, for the same consideration?" Colonel Witham nodded assent, and the business was closed. And, some time later, as Colonel Witham plodded up the road again, he uttered audibly the wish he had formed when he had sat in the miller's office.

She hoped it would make him forget his dangerous inclination to herself; but yet there was a little lurking vanity which believed that it had been rather a marriage for property's than for love's sake.

Captain Cuttle, then, with a gravity suitable to the nature of the occasion, put down upon the table the two tea-spoons and the sugar-tongs, the silver watch, and the ready money; and asked Mr Brogley, the broker, what the damage was. 'Come! What do you make of it? said Captain Cuttle. 'Why, Lord help you! returned the broker; 'you don't suppose that property's of any use, do you?

"All I can say is that you'd better send your friends the password! That fool out there with the gun " "Only a bell-hop, nothing more," I interrupted. " That fool, I say, is likely to kill somebody. Antoine" he turned to the butler, who was drawing the curtains at the windows "if the property's been threatened, you should have informed me immediately."

"I'm alive, and in my sound senses still; my money's my own; my property's my own; I'll do what I please with it. You were all handsomely provided for in this will; but you could not wait for your legacies till I was under ground. No! you must come hovering over me, like so many ravens. It is not time yet! It is not time yet!

"Wall, I reckon your property's riz since ye wor here; now, if you give me leave to make the alterations I want to, I'll give you 1000 dollars a month, payable in advance." "You'd better tell Captain Bunting what the alterations you refer to are," suggested Tom Collins, who saw that the captain's state of mind rendered him totally incapable of transacting business. "That's soon done.