United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Pierre, a pretty romantic name," said Lady Delacour: "Miss Portman and I are extremely obliged by your attention to the preservation of our hearts, and I promise you we shall keep your counsel and our own." Sir Philip then, with more than his usual complement of oaths, pronounced Miss Portman to be the finest girl he had ever seen, and took his leave.

With my complexion and my pronounced liking for variety, a score of girls, nearly all of them pretty and seductive, as most Paris girls are, was a reef on which my virtue made shipwreck every day. Curiosity had a good deal to do with it, and they profited by my impatience to take possession by selling their favours dearly.

Having acquitted Pleminius and left him in command of the same place, and pronounced the tribunes guilty and thrown them into chains, that they might be sent to Rome to the senate, he returned to Messana, and thence to Syracuse.

I issued out to see who was the person desiring to hold converse with me, and found a man whom I had no difficulty in recognising as one of the Jewish persuasion. "Sir," said this Hebrew, "I have heard from a friend, who was in your church to-day, the heads of the admirable discourse you pronounced there. It has affected me deeply, most deeply.

Germany, which for centuries before and after was broken into warring factions, to such extent that its emperors could truly say, "uneasy lies the head that wears a crown," was then divided between the two strong parties of the Welfs and the Waiblingers, or the Guelphs and the Ghibellines, as pronounced by the Italians and better known to us.

This repulsiveness of existence, of course, did not affect the audible consciousness of the family about their representing the most progressive state of civilized man. And not to be forgotten was the German ill-temperedness, which was pronounced in the morning, and did not wear off considerably until stomachs were filled during the day.

A large bird occasionally seen among these mountains, and pronounced to be the condor, is far more likely to have been the Californian vulture. As far as size is concerned, this mistake might easily be made, for the latter bird is nearly, if not quite, as large as the former.

Shows how a too pronounced rug which is out of character, though a valuable Chinese antique, can destroy the harmony of a composition even where the stage is set with treasures; Louis XV chairs, antique fount with growing plants, candelabra, rare tapestry, reflected by mirror, and a graceful console and a settee with grey-green brocade cushions.

I can say so no longer. The moment of parting has torn the veil from the hearts of both she loves me," there was a joyous intonation in Captain Percy's voice as he pronounced these last words. He was silent a moment while Mr.

"Aye! you may take your Bible oath on that!" sighed Mistress Polly, who was inclined to be sentimental. "Speakin' as the poets," pronounced Mr. Clutterbuck sententiously, "inches don't make a man." "Nor fine clothes neither," added Master Jezzard, who did not approve of Mistress Polly's sentimental sigh.