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She moistened them with her tongue, and made a feeble motion of kissing. A tear slid slowly down her cheek. "Not yit, my pretty gal," she whispered. "Mother ain't a-goin' ter lave yer yit." "Promus! Yer ain't a-tellin' no lies? Yer'll stop along of me till I kin carl my ringolets myself. I ha' got ter have 'em carled, and there ain't no one else to du 'em for me." The mother promised.

An' you c'n say I shan't never consent to no di-vorce, they ain't respectable, an' I got to think o' that on baby's account." "If you will go quietly away now and say nothing more about this to anyone I will tell Mr. Carter all about you," said Starr, her voice trembling with the effort at self-control. "D'ye promus you will?" "Certainly," said Starr with dignity.

"Well, I s'pose I gotta," she said, dropping her eyes before Starr's righteous wrath. "But 'no weddin' bells' fer you to-night ef yeh keep yer promus. So long!" Starr shuddered as the girl passed her. The whiff of unwashed garments, stale cooking, and undefinable tenement odor that reached her nostrils sickened her.

Stephanos the physician, Cleios the Alexandrine reader, Promus the steward each turned his head away to avoid his master's questioning gaze. "What in the name of Pluto is the matter with you all?" cried the amazed senator, whose night of potations had left him in no mood for patience. "Why do you stand moping there? Stephanos, Vacculus is anything amiss?

Wilfrid, however, was angered by the absurdity of the charge and the scene, and also by the profane touch on Emilia's name. "I must tell you, ma'am, that for my father's sake I must desire you to quit this you will see the advisability of quitting this house for a time." "Pole's promus! Pole's promus!" Mrs. Chump wailed again.

I can't go back on my faithful word. I'd like real well to see them big trees, but I gotta keep my promus! You see he's waited long 'nough, an' he's ben real patient. Not always he cud get to see me every week, an' he might 'a' tuk Delmira that cooked to the inn five year ago.

"I'll give ye five dollars to take me to Ben Ide's ten!" he roared, when Brackett showed no sign of stopping. "Promus' on the ground can be better found. Whoa!" cried Brackett, promptly. "I'll take the fare before you climb up! You'll be so busy when you git to the fire that I wouldn't want to bother you then." The Cap'n glowered but chewed his lips to prevent retort, pulled his wallet, and paid.

So you des lemme know, en ef he gits any wusser I'll be willin' ter gib yer five hund'ed dollars fer 'im, en take my chances on his livin'. "Sho 'nuff, when Henry begun ter draw up wid de rheumatiz en it look like he gwine ter die fer sho, his noo marster sen' fer Mars Dugal', en Mars Dugal' gin him what he promus, en brung Henry home ag'in.

Will yer promus me yer won't marry him ef ye find out he's my husband?" "Most certainly I will not marry him if he is already married. Now go, please, at once. I haven't a minute to spare. If you don't go at once I cannot have time to call him up." "You sure I kin trust you?" Starr turned on the girl such a gaze of mingled dignity and indignation that her eye quailed before it.

You go en fetch me some clo's heah, so nobody won't see you, en keep yo' mouf shet, en I 'll gib you a dollah. "Solomon wuz so 'stonish' he lack ter fell ober in his tracks, w'en Mars Jeems promus' ter gib 'im a dollah. Dey su't'nly wuz a change come ober Mars Jeems, w'en he offer' one er his niggers dat much money.